Colored bars represent electoral votes by party. Charlie Many voters in Philly and the suburbs don't like fracking and want to ban it. [1] Examining patterns within states reveals that the reversal of the two parties' geographic bases has happened at the state level, but it is more complicated locally, with urban-rural divides associated with many of the largest changes.[2]. The most significant difference between blue and red states occurred from late June to early August. A free app to create, analyze and share redistricting maps for any state. As the 2016 election cycle approached, the electoral map had become pretty predictable. Maps of this type are termed choropleth maps, which have several well-known problems that can result in interpretation bias. With proper treatments well known including proper dosages (vs. WHO stating in 1979 the potentially lethal dose of HCQ was 1500-2000 mg then attempted a study at 2400 mg in one day, that was designed to both fail and kill.) But look, this is what PA elected officials told us could happen for months. Holly If Biden loses Fla, North Carolina and Georgia, his so-called greater Midwest certainly includes winning Pennsylvania. The. But Biden didn't get to 40% like the strategist wanted (and which Obama got beyondtwice). Minnesota, New York, and Maryland, all of which Obama won state-wide, show this example with some exceptions. Both parties have since adopted logos that use their respective colors (a blue "D" for Democrats[56] and a red "GOP" for Republicans). That's why it was interesting to see Trump rehash his line on fracking in Bucks County during a rally on Saturday. A new, lower flat income tax rate will take effect in 2023. Crime rate U.S. 2020, by state. Why blue states' economies are suffering more than red states' right now. In previous elections, the color assignments or even the actual colors used were often different. The key swing region is the. Both provided Obama with double-digit margins of victory over McCain. Overall, Pennsylvania is a "blue state" 49 percent of registered voters are Democrats, 37 percent are Republicans and 14 percent are independents or members of minor parties. Taking Biden at face value about Michigan and Wisconsin where, for what it's worth (not that much), the exit poll data looks pretty good for him and he came in with a significant polling lead here's where the map goes: If Biden wins those two, plus Maine, Nevada and Arizona, but nothing else, he's at 269 electoral votes. This threshold varies by state and is based on patterns of past vote reporting and expectations about . The county with the most lopsided voter registration margin is Philadelphia, which is 78 percent Democrat, 11 percent Republican and 11 percent other. Before you read the Blue States and the Red States list, lets find out how the naming of a state with color started! [45][46] Red states and blue states are states that typically vote for the Republican and Democratic parties, respectively. Gov. Biden won Maricopa with just over 50% of the vote, a large increase compared with Clinton's 45% in 2016. So he has a little cushion there to workwith. All but 10 states1 1Plus one congressional district in Nebraska had voted consistently Democratic or Republican for (at least) the prior four consecutive presidential elections. Learn about the meaning of these words and see a list of these states, as of the 2020 election. To take one random anecdote, my dad claimed there was a four-hour line in one polling place in my home county, York (a very conservativearea). Update: Philadelphia officials tell me they will report more mail-in ballot results betweenmidnight and 1 a.m. By Allan James Vestal, Andrew Briz, Annette Choi, Beatrice Jin, Andrew McGill and Lily Mihalik. Since the 1984 election, CBS has used the opposite scheme: blue for Democrats, red for Republicans. While all of these issues are concerning, none of them are too far out of the ordinary for issues that arise during any normal election year and this year was far from normal, with many expecting the worst in terms of potential disruptions and possibleconflict.". Special elections, if any, are excluded. .mw-parser-output .citation{word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}^1: Split their votes. However, there are pros and cons to both classified and unclassified choropleth maps. But in 2016, although Hillary Clinton won Latino voters by roughly 30 points, turnout was remarkably . Earlier this year, one election official said the rule could result in upwards of 100,000 mail-in ballots being thrown out. V4 Stands Against North African and Middle Eastern Invasion, Robo-Advisors: When You Have a Lot More to Lose than Money, FARM AMERICA: New York Citys Finest Cheesemongers, The Fed Independent and Non Political Joins The Resistance, Tucker Carlson Interviews My Favorite Florida Farmer. *Counties are colored red or blue when the % expected vote reporting reaches a set threshold. Let's continue our tour around the Electoral College. There are three classes of Senators; one is up for election every second year. Has Texas ever turned blue? - KSAT Pennsylvania's diversity is mostly on par with the rest of the nation. High turnout meant long lines, which remain active at some locations.(Any eligible voter in line by 8 p.m. is permitted to vote. While they may have voted for Biden in 2020, they did so by margins smaller than his. In the days after the 2000 election, the outcome of which was unknown for some time after election day, major media outlets began conforming to the same color scheme because the electoral map was continually in view, and conformity made for easy and instant viewer comprehension. However, as inGeorgia, the majority of Biden's gains came from larger vote margins in counties that also voted Democratic in 2016. DeSantis: Standing Up to Corporate Activism. He served as governor from 2003 to 2011 and was also the mayor of Philadelphia. How The 2020 Election Changed The Electoral Map | FiveThirtyEight In his address before the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston, Barack Obama spoke on the issue of blue states and red states, saying: "The pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into red states and blue states red states for Republicans, and blue states for Democrats. Which means he's a Nebraska-02 (where he's currently leading) away from hitting 270 on the number, WITHOUT Pennsylvania and Maine's 2ndDistrict. In fact, he said, some states may experience a "red shift," and even Pennsylvania's blue shift may change in the future as different voters adapt to the new absentee ballot system and counties that used to process them on election night stop doing so. (This list is made as per the party winner of the Presidential election in each state [Not Governor], Here the Red represents Donald Trump whereas the Blue represents Joe Biden). (This list is made as per the party winner of the Presidential election in each state [Not Governor], Here the Red represents Donald Trump whereas the Blue represents Joe Biden). Like around the country, we're seeing. When do we get to talk some PENNSYLVANIA :eagles:? 4, another 2020 red state. In fact, the only Georgia county that flipped Burke voted Clinton in 2016, then Trump in 2020. Data: MIT Election Data and Science Lab / Harvard Dataverse through 2018; 270toWin research. By breaking the map down into smaller units (including many blue counties lying next to red counties), these maps tend to display many states with a purplish hue, thus demonstrating that an ostensibly blue or red state may, in fact, be closely divided. Click here to learn more about the role the Lancaster County Local Journalism Fund plays in Lancaster County and to make a tax-deductible donation. Due to the general absence of overwhelming victories, this technique results in mostly shades. This election cycle, voters in Pennsylvania were universally able to vote by mail in the general election. That election saw Donald Trump win the state by 0.7%, one of three 'blue wall' states (Michigan & Wisconsin the others) he won on his way to winning the presidential election. The steady expansion of Denver and its suburbs turned a red state into a purple state, then into a blue state where Republicans struggle to win. I don't know where to begin! Again competitive in 2020, Joe Biden won by 1.2%.While still an important prize, with 19 electoral votes, Pennsylvania, like many industrial northern states, has seen population migrate away in recent decades. More married men voted for McCain, but more single men voted for Obama. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. The only deviations from the preexisting red-blue paradigm were all in Obama's favor. On March 14, 2014, the California Republican Party officially rejected red and adopted blue as its color. The presidential primary contests are usually decided before Pennsylvania holds its primary, which is on Tuesday, April 26, this year. The source defines a mass shooting as a shooting where three or more people. Next is Alabama at No. To win in 2016, Donald Trump broke through some of the 'blue wall' of 242 electoral votes that had voted Democratic in each presidential election since at least 1992. These maps provide a more detailed picture but themselves have various problems associated with classification of data. [30] It attempts to represent the margin of victory in each county by coloring each with a shade between true blue and true red. Global Liquidity Is Increasing Despite the Fed. MIT Election Data and Science Lab / Harvard Dataverse, Overview and Live Results: Chicago Mayoral Election, Legislative Special Elections, Michigan Rep. Elissa Slotkin Running for U.S. Senate, Initial 2024 House Ratings from Sabato's Crystal Ball. I just got off the phone with the City Commissioners office in Philadelphia, and they told me that all the machines that process mail ballots are up and running and that things are going smoothly. Trump's lone breakthrough in the "blue wall" in 2020 was the one electoral vote from Maine, which he again won. We coach Little League in the blue states and have gay friends in the red states. It is now seen that the Democratic Blue and Republican Red color scheme is now part of the lexicon of American journalism. It is not a red state. We may not know results in PA fordays. We may be entering the brief "blue mirage" portion of the night, where Biden deceptively looks like he's doing well because counties first report the mail ballots they've been counting all day, and Biden supporters disproportionately voted by mail. Twenty red states are expected to go for President Donald Trump, and 23 blue states (including DC) are expected to go for former Vice President Joe Biden. Vice versa for Montana. Further highlighting this polarization: While relatively competitive overall, only four states (FL, NC, OH, VA) were decided by less than 5% popular vote margin in the 2012 presidential election. One source claims that in the elections prior to 2000 every state that voted for Democratic candidates but one had been coded red. The Tennessee Department of Health reports that 1,451 people died of drug overdose within the state in 2015. Thus Trump ended with all 20 of Pennsylvanias electoral votes. These States Could Flip From Red To Blue During The 2020 Election With the caveat that we still know very, very little about Pennsylvania, let's zoom in on one county: Washington County, which is in the pro-Trump western part of the state. US Treasury Yield Curve: My Favorite Investor Tool, click here to sign up for my free weekly email, The Liberal Invasion of Red-State America, DRUGS, TRAFFICKING, MURDER: Americas Immigration Crisis Continues, Vermont Abandoned, Dairy Farm Economy Devastated. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. [47][48][49] A different poll that same year grouped the United States into five geographic regions, and found that 37% of Americans favored secession of their own region. Charlie and PA, MI, OH & IL are on track to lose aseat! Biden didn't flip any counties in Georgia. Success! Holly My point in mentioning Montgomery County and Philly is that if those places aren't reporting all their votes, the red mirage scenario is still very much in place if the president chose thatroute. Youve Answered Lifes Questions. Out of the counties in these states that Hillary Clinton lost in 2016, Biden won only eight of them. Pennsylvania's diversity is mostly on par with the rest of the nation. According to the NYT, more than 98% of estimated votes there have been reported. With all eyes on Georgia and the upcoming Senate runoffs slated for Jan. 5, 2021, Emory College Dean Michael A. Elliott hosted a panel discussion Dec. 2 examining Georgia's new swing-state status and future role in American politics from business, marketing .