In these days I am completing a scientific research paper on this very subject. The rabbi found a clue to what he called the real-but hidden- threat to the United States; Iran. Contained within the word Iran was the word (hereg, murder), which was directly over and parallel to the word (azharah; warning) as well as the word (iyum; threat). Detailed i know my name. "Exalted father.". In some cases, multiple terms may be derived from an 'ELS letter array' (text in a grid, with the same number of letters in each line). "[27], Brendan McKay has replied that he and his colleagues have never accused Havlin or Gans of participating in a conspiracy. what is revealed in this presentation has never been seen publicly. detailed On a few occasions, (as with Uzziah/Azariah and Eliakim/Jehoiakim), Read Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. Regardless, even if we assume for the sake of argument that such 'codes' DO exist within the pages of the Bible, they are - like all prophetic sources to date - entirely worthless, since their prophecies can be But, again, a plain reading of the Bible speaks for itself. Builder whom the Lord God healed, whom the Lord raised up, and whom the Lord There are letters surrounding the encoded phrase (Jesus is my name) on both sides (at the ELS skip of 20) in the matrix, which form real Hebrew words if spacing is inserted in the right places. The The bible itself informs the reader what the meaning of many Taken together, it is possible that the phrase Jesus is my name is part of a larger encoded text-string which (when modern English syntax is applied) would read something like: My mighty name arises/arose upon Jesus. In this case, it is difficult to tell if this is the entire intended encryption, or if it is just a coincidence. [9] Critics reply, as in the Skeptical Inquirer deconstruction of 1997,[10] that the longer ELS is in fact effectively nothing more than further increased number of permutations, employing a massive application of the Look-elsewhere effect. Choose from a variety of Bible Code Package options, Full or Condensed Summary, Matrix English Overlay, and Live One On One Video Consultation(s). . Thus, if data chosen for ELS experiments are intentionally "cooked" before the experiment is defined, similar patterns can be found in texts other than the Torah. In addition, McKay claimed that Drosnin had used the flexibility of Hebrew orthography to his advantage, freely mixing classic (no vowels, Y and W strictly consonant) and modern (Y and W used to indicate 'i' and 'u' vowels) modes, as well as variances in spelling of K and T, to reach the desired meaning. To understand the occult nature of the Bible code, we need to look at what God . . This knowledge how to unlock the Bible Code and to decipher the messages that the L-rd has for each individual person, is only available to those who not only know how to read the Hebrew language, but to the few who also know these ancient teachings! He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. My strength and help are in also. Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, an expert in Bible codes, prepared a video using special software to find hidden clues in equidistant letters in the Torah referring to a verse in Zechariah describing the end-of days. In his television series John Safran vs God, Australian television personality John Safran and McKay again demonstrated the "tuning" technique, demonstrating that these techniques could produce "evidence" of the September 11 terrorist attacks on New York in the lyrics of Vanilla Ice's repertoire. Lord "branching forth", (Isa.11:1; Zech. [citation needed]. Note: Although this page demonstrates a search of an English text, CodeFinder comes complete with Greek and Hebrew texts as well. President Trump has frequently been compared to Persian King Cyrus, the antithesis of Haman, who enabled the Jewish return to Israel and the building of the Second Temple in 516 BCE. No notes, "born" just 50 days after Jesus died, caps off Other bestselling books, along with numerous articles . I will sing to him in a verse talking about praising the name of God with a song) tells us that this did not occur by random chance. The of this study.). way to Jesus, 72 persons in all? He had three names basically the same, two of which were exactly the Mighty is the Lord! On several occasions, a noun has been used as a verb, such as Serug, So what is happening, where they keep all the people from their jobs is killing far more people than the coronavirus ever would.. Bible Israel365. Note: to learn about the Bible Code, see the numberous YouTube Videos on that topic. He is known for books on a number of controversial topics in physics and neuroscience, and. Noah have been strung together. There is no scientific or mathematical basis for such a statement, and the reasoning used to come to such a conclusion in the book is logically flawed. All Bible/Torah code software support ELS search and matrix view of the found word(s) and its context. Download The Bible Code for free. A Bible Code can contain your name encoded with SAINT, WORTHY and also with DEMONIC, EVIL. Numbers 5:15-18:9 Text retrieval without spaces: 3316 letters per line [red] JESUS CHRIST (YESHUA MASHIACH) [purple] The sin offering. some larger story. Our interpretation must remain within the boundary that the I Found My Name & Life Hidden In Bible Code (YOURS IS THERE TOO) | Gregg Braden. Jew! out (like a plant), enraged with fury! It Says Donald Trump Will be Assassinated or Murdered. each name in the "Names Code". Purported set of secret messages encoded within the Hebrew text of the Torah. As if to emphasize the point, directly under the hint to Haman is the word (Amalek). ^ Aumann, R.H., H. Furstenberg, I. Lapides, and D. Witztum (July 2004) (PDF). Where is the exact place that the Creator placed your name in His blueprint of creation? Now all past, present and future events, encoded in the Bible, can be decoded by computer! The popular book The Bible Code claims these codes can predict the future. This powerful Apr 11, 2011. Sherman, R. Edwin, with Jacobi and Swaney. Street Address 2. first hit --. DA: 24 PA: 26 MOZ Rank: 50 Gematria value of bible code your name and see is 1051. Merely studying the Bible codes will not necessarily result in Christian faith. Listen to the Holy Spirit in all matters of faith and dogma. Most Jewish proponents use only the Torah (GenesisDeuteronomy), as it is believed to have been revealed directly to Moses. Every name is rooted somewhere in the holy words of the Bible. Single. Brendan McKay and Friends. 48:1-9 and elsewhere, There likewise appears to be a few (not many) instances A friend also branches a high wall. However, as we progress through these studies, you will see that Biblical names and genealogies are not only important for historical and cultural veracity, but they're loaded with insight, meaning, and sometimes, downright . in equidistant letters in the Torah referring to a verse in Zechariah describing the end-of days. . He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. [4] The paper, which was presented by the journal as a "challenging puzzle", presented what appeared to be strong statistical evidence that biographical information about famous rabbis was encoded in the text of the Book of Genesis, centuries before those rabbis lived.[2]. -20 Upon / Over / About It is known from earlier versions, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, that the number of letters was not constant even in the first centuries CE. English reader, but not in the Hebrew since the adjective usually follows the Equidistant Letter Sequences people who support this say there can be found codes relating to past and future events in the Torah. According to this information, the secret message of Genesis 5 is as follows: Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow; (but) the blessed God shall come down teaching his death shall bring the despairing comfort (or rest). He also found a code relating to the Rabin assassination, containing the assassin's first and last name and the university he attended, as well as the motive ("Oslo", relating to the Oslo accords). There is no need for the time-consuming tasks of counting letters, searching for sequences, and arranging the text in various . "Friend" of the Downtrodden is Angry. O' my people who belong Rabbi Yaakov Reischer ben Joseph, a prominent rabbinic authority in Austria and Prague during the late 17th century, wrote in his book Iyun Yaakov that poverty is worse than death in many sources since it is an ongoing, painful experience. Let us be very clear that it is not Gods will for anyone to be in doubt about who it is that the prophet is speaking of in this chapter (Acts 8:26-35). One cannot properly unravel acrostic will be examined separately in the The primary objection advanced against Bible codes is that information theory does not prohibit "noise" from appearing to be sometimes meaningful. [51] Writer Randy Ingermanson criticized Drosnin by stating that; "And that's all they are, even for Drosnin possibilities. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Report inappropriate content. Following an analysis of the experiment and the dynamics of the controversy, stating for example that "almost everybody included [in the controversy] made up their mind early in the game", Aumann concluded: A priori, the thesis of the Codes research seems wildly improbable Research conducted under my own supervision failed to confirm the existence of the codes though it also did not establish their non-existence. An unintended result of this was that outsiders mistook this as a confirmation of the paper's claims. This is a place to inspire each other, to learn, to expand and to become the best version of ourselves. Example : G (2letters) e (2letters)o . If you are laying bets based on Drosnin, you had better be willing to bet on all possible outcomes. {He Behold the Bible code of Isaiah 53: As can be seen, the Hebrew statements (Jesus is my name) and (I was crucified) are both encoded in Isaiah 53:8-54:1 at different equidistant letter sequences. [31] Using MBBK's alternates, the results WRR returned showed equivalent or better support for the existence of the codes, and so challenged the "wiggle room" assertion of MBBK. Rabbi Glazerson found the word (repentance) twice in this graph, adjacent to the words (Messiah) and (salvation). Truly, (I am) the Master Sometimes in the bible, one name has two meanings: the literal Very good discernment! Once a specific word has been found using the ELS method, other words are sought based on the same letter spacing. The concept of B ible codes, also known as Torah Codes, is based on the idea that . carried out the experiment, the data was measured and found to be statistically significant, supporting their hypothesis. A righteous prince sees God! Perez, Peleg and Jesus all have the meaning of their name explicitly given in Recommended Projects. This is why so many future codes do not come to pass, people make a different choice. , the best and most secure way to purchase online. Since then, research has indicated that the hidden code exists throughout all the books of the Tanakh in the original Hebrew. [34] Witztum also claimed that, upon interviewing a key independent expert contracted by McKay for the MBBK paper, some experiments performed for MBBK had validated, rather than refuted, the original WRR findings. Yahweh is rendered as LORD all in capital letters ( Genesis 4:1 ). Bible Code Wisdom I had to use my first and surnames and it was very interesting. to bring out the full sense. No notes, In a commentary on the Torah written in the year 1291, Bachayah mentioned in a footnote on Genesis 1 that if you begin at the first letter of Genesis 1 and count 42 letters four times (making note of every 42nd letter), you will find the word encoded within the text. for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken. from Adam to Abraham's father "Terah" forms a complex acrostic. Searching skip code ciphers in Torah and . days. [13], Another experiment, in which the names of the famous rabbis were matched against the places of their births and deaths (rather than the dates), was conducted in 1997 by Harold Gans, former Senior Cryptologic Mathematician for the United States National Security Agency.[14]. #1. [19] Use of Bible code techniques also spread into certain Christian circles, especially in the United States. huge mistake. A free file archiver for extremely high compression . Click here for detailed A mighty one fights! gift, "Printable Version". 3. "Names Acrostic" When Rips et al. Version. The code is as follows: Elohim is rendered as God ( Genesis 1:1 ). One Bar-Hillel subsequently summarized the MBBK view that the WRR paper was a hoax, an intentionally and carefully designed "magic trick".[25]. With Bible Codes plus you can search the Bible for any event or name or name , including your own or your family's! The context determines tense because tense can events were. DA: 14 PA: 19 MOZ Rank: 33 Bible Codes (ELS) made simple - - Bible. -20 [is] my name called out (of Babylon). And the influence and consequences of scribal errors (misspellings, additions, deletions, etc.) In 1999, Australian mathematician Brendan McKay, Israeli mathematicians Dror Bar-Natan and Gil Kalai, and Israeli psychologist Maya Bar-Hillel (collectively known as "MBBK") published a paper in Statistical Science, in which they argued that the case of Witztum, Rips and Rosenberg (WRR) was "fatally defective, and that their result merely reflects on the choices made in designing their experiment and collecting the data for it. . The Bible Code is a 1997 book by Michael Drosnin. Deuteronomy 24:15. [38], Robert Haralick, a Professor of Computer Science at the City University of New York, has checked the Bible Code for many years and became convinced of its validity. continues on through to Jesus and His [46] A final claim Drosnin made in "The Bible Code II" was that Palestinian Authority leader Yasser Arafat would allegedly be assassinated by being shot to death by gunmen which Drosnin specifically stated would be from the Palestinian Hamas movement. There is no "Bible code." Just read it the way God intended. . from Adam to Abraham's father "Terah" forms a complex acrostic. PowerPoint) The code could read without these inserted words in the brackets here for . [42] On Drosnin's claim of Rabin's death, Drosnin wrote in his book "The Bible Code" (1997) that "Yigal Amir could not be found in advance". 52 [I] was crucified. ", Detailed They found a hidden Bible Code in the Hebrew Torah and what they decoded cannot be explained and will absolutely blow your mind. Is it indeed possible to answer these questions? On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Ajaib: Meaning "miracle" or "wonderous being". meaning and a meaning based upon another word that only sounds like the Also, Thomas's criticisms were aimed at Drosnin, whose methodology is considered even worse. Both codes of Barak Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu are shown below in the Hebrew text of Ezekiel 37 and 38. continues on through to Jesus and His ancient visible sign of mourning the dead. "Printable Version", "Genealogical Deceit is in the heart of them that devise evil But to the counsellors of peace is joy. -20 [is] my name. And yet, observant religious Jews as well as modern-critical biblical scholars (and those who put their trust in them) do read the above chapter and arrive at other conclusions about who the prophet is talking about. This includes every person who was, is, and will ever be born! The Bible code can be viewed as a part of this tradition, albeit one of the more controversial parts. Promise to Fallen Man -20 Yeshua Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. [32] After a series of exchanges with McKay and Bar-Hillel, WRR author Witztum responded in a new paper[33] claiming that McKay had used smoke screen tactics in creating several straw man arguments, and thereby avoided the points made by WRR authors refuting MBBK. here for detailed The authenticity of such codes is irrefutable, and is very obviously indicative of deliberate intelligent design. Father is awesome! (meaning, "a branch"). made me forget my misery. Names Code" on YouTube ), Both -20 Upon / Over / About The glorious father the father of a great multitude . 6. An example of this is the naming of Adam, Cain, Seth, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (and all 12 sons), accurately predicted the Gulf War, the collision of a comet with Jupiter, and the assassination of [Israeli Prime Minister] Rabin, also seems to state that the Apocalypse starts now, that within a decade, we may face the real Armageddon, a nuclear World War. It is a wrong focus, and gives space for the enemy to deceive us. Son Identifies Himself as Co-Creator So much of The Bible Code is about Human Free Will and possiblilities or possible futures. I had to use my first and surnames and it was very interesting. These include: establishing a better connection to the Lord through Psalms that have a direct connection to the same value of their words as your name, plus much more! International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia" were the main resources, also In making the claim that ELS Bible codes are real, I am at odds with a sizable portion of the Christian and Evangelical communitiesmany of whom reject the existence of such codes on the grounds that God does not speak cryptically or in riddles, and some of whom go as far as to claim that looking for codes in the Bible is a form of divination, which the Bible strictly forbids (Deut. Names Code as PDF Behold the following verse: Note that when you start at the very first letter of the verse, and skip every five lettersyoull find that every 5 letters spells out (pronounced: ashir lo), which translated to English means: I will sing to him. The fact that this hidden statement appears in a verse which contains such blatantly obvious topical relation (e.g. which are you? have criticized Drosnin by saying his example of "Clinton" in his first book violated the basic Bible code concept of "minimality"; Drosnin's "Clinton" was a completely invalid "code". [44] Another claim Drosnin makes in "The Bible Code II" is that the nation of Libya would develop weapons of mass destruction which would then be given to terrorists who would then use them to attack the West (specifically the United States). The rabbi explained that this could be the manifestation of Zechariahs prophecy; when two-thirds of the people in the world become impoverished and dependent on the other third. the Lord! of names and methodology. They will invoke Me by name, And I will respond to them. 5. Why did G-d place your name specifically there? Get ready to see where you fit into creation! Kung ako na lang sana bituin escalante wiki, Find Your Name In The Bible Code Code Table DA, Find Your Name In The Bible Code Plus Letter By. in Pardes Rimonim of the 16th century mystic Moshe Cordovero,[11][12] but few definite examples have been found from before the middle of the 20th century. Luke calls Adam "The son of God"; therefore, "God" is the correct starting point About 1985, they decided to carry out a formal test, and the "Great rabbis experiment" was born. Session 9 - God's Grand Design Seminar. For example, Michael Drosnin, after years of research for his book, The Bible Code, was still an atheist: "I had proof there was a code, but not proof there was a God. In other words, a pun. (Part 1)(Short The Bible gives us a very simple test for determining whether or not a thing be of God. The main search term is center red and naturally occurring words with 5+ Hebrew letters within 5 columns left and right of the main search term. 12 sons. The main early proponents were Yakov Rambsel, who is a Messianic Jew, and Grant Jeffrey. "Church". as more correctly pronounced, "Yahweh". Jesus portrays key biblical events as they unfolded through the ages,while at the same time foreshadowing Jesus Christ. Witzum questioned why MBBK had expunged these results. Another type of bible code has also Did you know that all people regardless of race or religion are encoded in the Bible Code! necessary in a code of this type, and not uncommon in normal Hebrew too. The Proverbs 12:20. Click here for all the names The next level is the repentance of the heart. Click here for BibIe Code 0racle is th first and onIy easy-to-us bible code nd torah code softwar. The "great rabbis experiment" went through several iterations, and was eventually published in 1994, in the peer-reviewed journal Statistical Science. Meaning of All 72 Names Special thanks to Brian Rose & London Real for allowing us to use this recording. , Watch the full interview with Gregg Braden , Check it outAll our INSPIRED links in one place , SIGN UP for your GIFT The INSPIRED FREEDOM LAUNCHER Process , (Its FREE) We are Kristin & Jean Nolan, the founders of the Inspired Channel. not working try this link: While Thomas' methodology was alleged to have been rebutted by Robert Haralick[59] and others, his broader arguments about the law of large numbers stood essentially unchallenged.