We wish to possess knowledge that is beyond any doubt.The techneof both the engineers who designed the snow tire and of the surgeon who will perform the surgery are features of the kind of knowledge that we rely on when we have a desired end in view, be it our own safety while driving on the road or our own health. In determining the importance of the various tools that you may be choosing for your Exhibition, you will be making what is called a first order claim. Exhibition. it is after hours, the owner is away on holidays, the owner is observing a religious festival, etc. Representation is to present some thing, to make something present to humans. His speech is sophistry. For the interpretation of a result as a result is conducted with the help of the principle (the principle of reason, for instance), presupposed, but not grounded. What does this mean?What you are attempting to do is to render completeness to the reasons that you are giving for those objects/images that you have chosen. They may sometimes be understood as inner states, activities and processes that we are aware of or live through, but do not usually make objects of introspection or reflection. However, the heliocentric theory proved that the earth was spherical and the sun was at the center of the cosmos. Reasons must be given for the claims being made. What knowledge itself is does not change, and all knowledge is based on an interpretation. We can look at our recovery from various illnesses to see improvements in health care and in the treatment of various diseases. The word will here is like how we use it in free will, in that it means "a causation leading to a desired effect/result". One might view the current war on terrorism in this light and a fruitful Exhibition can result from determining how this may be the case. 19. They are what can be learned and what can be taught i.e. values and beliefs of an individual because they discover something new to their ears, eyes and. 13. You are required to choose one prompt from the list below, and it must be exactly from this list and you cannot change the wording. 35. However, such knowledge has also brought about many ills and challenges that we are now trying to overcome and must overcome if we are to sustain life on this planet. His original term was areteor what we have translated as virtue, and knowing oneself was to have knowledge of ones possibilities and potentialities. This demonstrates the truth of the old saying that one is willing to insist on the authenticity of something the more one pays for it even though that authenticity is highly questionable. 1, AOK: Technology and the Human Sciences Part. 30. Much like the fruit of a cherry tree is not the essence of the tree, the material tools of technology are not its essence. Nietzsche/Darwin: Part IX-B: Education, Ethics/Actions: Contemplative vs. Calculative Thinking. Your TOK exhibition is worth 35% of the grade. The same principle operates in Islams rejection of any images of Allah for to represent Him as an image or idea turns Him into a thing. Technology is the beholding of the essence of all things in advance (a priori) in the light of which human beings make and produce things and allows human beings to take a stand towards the things that are in the first place. The Theory of Knowledge Exhibition Prompts The TOK Exhibition (also sometimes called the TOK IA) counts for one-third of your marks in the course. How might the context in which knowledge is presented influence whether it is accepted or rejected? If the "newly acquired knowledge" makes significantly more sense than the "established" values, it would seem to make good sense to change your values, providing the new knowledge does not violate your ethics or morals. The emergence of the world-picture and the knowledge and culture derived from it involves an essential decision about beings as a whole. This know how, presumably, comes from a long, broad engagement with the field which is under discussion. the soul that is not prepared for it and does not possess genuine education. Thus we resigned ourselves to the new situation the moment we could make dependable predictions. The output that is looked for has already been pre-determined prior to the making or creation. How can we judge when evidence is adequate? Sophists are the norm in todays societies; and because they are the norm, they should be treated with scepticism. How this conflict will be resolved is a matter for the future, but one cannot be optimistic regarding what the outcomes might be. They are either accepted or rejected and no further discourse is possible about them. The most common evidence is given through mathematical calculation i.e.. the thing is measured against something that is already known or something that is already taken for granted as known. The belief of the first type is axiomaticin that it is based upon first principles or self-evident truths. It lacks evident correctness, evidence. That which is animate is also included here in this determination of being as object: nothing distinguishes humans from other animals or species (Darwins Origin of Species). The principle of reason operates in any and every statement that we make about things i.e. If the first principle is the principle of reason, then the rest of ones discourse must be logically derived and the conclusions drawn from that principle. The ethical obligation is our actions and reflections on the things that are. For example: I believe that two plus three equals five, I believe that Bill Clinton was President of the United States in 1995, and I believe that I will live another ten years. This is usually done through reason as logic, through analogy or metaphor i.e. What we call our knowledge requires that what we consider the knowledge to be must be rendered or handed over to others so that it may be justified and made secure. It is no surprise that the great discoveries of modern physics were primarily initiated by Germans, Einstein and Heisenberg for instance, just as it is not an accident that the great discoveries of Newton and Darwin belong to the English-speaking world. On a shop which sells Antique Hand Bags near here is a sign which reads: The Shop is not Open because it is Closed. The projecting of analogies or models is part of the erecting of a framework from which you will demonstrate how you have viewed the objects/images present and show them in a new light (possibly) to others. On what grounds might we doubt a claim? This object is included in this exhibition because it shows how credible an article can become based on an individual's beliefs or values. Thus in pro-jecting, what counts as knowledge is that human being always projects itself on its possibilities, though the range of possibilities varies with the thing chosen. and feel more politically effective in influencing people to politics are politically active. We go to something to see (perhaps with artificial aids such as microscopes) what happens to it under varying conditions, either waiting for the new conditions to arise or intervening to produce them. These second-order claims are justified using the principle of sufficient reason which usually involves an examination of the nature of the knowledge that you are investigating and the nature of the tools that are used to produce or acquire such knowledge. This prompt speaks to the reasons or grounds that some actions should not be taken prior to reflection on their being undertaken presumably because the ends of those actions are not good ends. Einstein, for example, has been quite clear that it was not reason only that brought about his theory of relativity but that imagination played a great part in its final coming-to-be. Technology is a seeing rather than a doing and its realm is truth not instrumentality, knowledge of Being rather than the manufacture of artifacts. can new knowledge change established values or beliefs objects . An exact science leads to an exact machine technology. What is objectivity? In doing so, you will be viewing technology as instrumentality. This prompt is covered in greater depth under #17. This demand that reasons must be rendered is what is empoweringin the principle of reason. In connection with the historical development of natural science, things become objects through reason; they become material, and a point of mass in motion in space and time and the methodology used pursues the calculation of these various points. Technology is our understanding of what it means to be, the way we understand what it takes for something, anything, to be. These multivarious approaches or methodologies are determined a priori by the principle of reason. Objects are shorn of their essences and regarded as mere individuals (or ones/units) conforming to mathematical regularities. But while these world-pictures are constructed in dealing with the beings that are involved in those domains, it is technology as the theoretical viewing that dominates how the beings will be inquired about and the manner of questioning regarding their being. They are the predications of the subject that we call knowledge. The connection with life and the human sciences is explicit: Starting from life itself as a whole, human scientists try to understand its lived experiences in their structural and developmental inter-connections.We must be careful and wary of the notion of experiencing. A culture is the way of life: the customs, civilization, achievement and values of a particular group of people at a particular time. There may be some dispute over the language used to communicate these conclusions, but this is avoided when the language used is mathematical calculus. It also means to put something in its place, or putting something in order for something else such as gathering together the things that are required of a recipe so that we may later prepare it, the step-by-step process involved in preparing to bring about a desirable end. We call these facts, but they are facts only within the system that allows them to be seen as such. To reckon on something or rely on something means that we can expect it and to see it as something upon which we can build. judgements, and thus sets itself over-against the world as to an object. For Christians, the name of God is holy, sacred, and He is not to be named because to do so would turn Him into a thing. In the most general terms (and as a second order inquiry) the production of knowledge that results from such viewing is the determination of the being of things as objects. For knowledge of that subject, I have to turn to my daughters. The early church claimed that the earth was flat and that earth was at the center of the universe. the book is on the table, etc. 27. Can you explain it? A discussion of the various types of knowledge is given here: https://wordpress.com/block-editor/post/mytok.blog/3676. 'Can new knowledge change established values or beliefs | Clastify Theory of Knowledge : TOK Exhibition Written Commentary. Again, the interpretation of the prompts provided here is an interpretation only and its purpose is to provoke thought on your part as to why you have chosen the images that you have chosen and what these choices provide your audience regarding your understanding of the world. It is this that is the great paradigm shift of human being-in-the-world in the modern age and determines the actions that we choose to take and whom among us is sane or not. A world-view is often arbitrary and peremptory. Calculus arises from the need to be secure about what some thing is; it is a counting on something. Due to these people's different viewpoints of how they view an article, new knowledge can sometimes change established values or beliefs, but not always. The concept of a culture is 19th century thought for what we call cultures are historically determined and the knowledge brought forward from them will also be historically determined. Technology istheoretical;the practical applications, its instrumentality, is secondary to this primary theoretical viewing. One finds the best example of this metaphor in Shakespeares Macbeth and in the motif of sickness that runs throughout that play: Art not without ambition, but without/ The illness should attend it: what thou wouldst highly,/ That wouldst thou holily; wouldst not play false, And yet wouldst wrongly win(Act 1 Sc. Each of the prompts is discussed in turn below: This is a useful prompt in that one may be able to respond to it in the simplest of terms or one may proceed to the very abyss of what thinking is in ones response to it. In your study of Group 3 subjects, you will hear both the words culture and world-view said often. It is through research that we believe we can uncover that which has been hidden. What do your choices of objects or images for this prompt indicate about you and the society of which you are a member? But our word virtue which for the Greeks meant the manliness of a man has come to mean the chastity of a woman. A central feature of tragic literature in the West is that it gives us a view of the implications of what results when knowledge is lacking, particularly self-knowledge. The Natural Sciences: Historical Background. The principle of reason founds all principles as principles. Technology is the beholding of the essence of all things in advance in the light of which humans make or produce things and can take a stand at all towards things. Arts purpose is to change the manner in which we see or view the world. You have to chooseone of the following prompts and your choice of prompt will determine the methodology or the pathway as well as the design or plan that you will follow to arrive at your interpretation of the images or objects you have chosen. Technology, understood as instrumentality, is a matter of ends and means. The IB is one such community. Arkadiusz Wargacki People tend to recognize their knowledge as the only correct image of reality surrounding them, as something indisputable and unchangeable. These have to do with communities. Our understanding of truth gives a precedence to human subjectivity. Leibniz was also the inventor of what we call the insurance industry today. are established so that there is little room to discuss the objects and their being that are under scrutiny. She can help bring that health out into the open. Procuring health is the setting up of conditions and abetting the properties that are already present in nature and allowing those conditions and properties to flourish. A world-picture is only one constituent of a world-view. What this definition indicates is that the production of knowledge is what the Greeks called techne, and in all of those prompts that speak of the production or producing of knowledge we can be certain that the technological viewing of the world is at play. The sign is what is referred to as a tautology. 11. It is an infatuation with immediately given appearances on the basis of which all further experiences of the world are investigated, inquired about, and explained. What is unknowable is as such because it is unnameable. What is the knowledge the lack of which is an indication of our madness? What we call knowledge involves truth and judgement. The disclosure of things is prior to our human judgmental truth. Judgement itself is nottruth; judgement is only true when the reason for the connection is specified, when theratioor account is given. The counting on and relying on are the metaphysics that undergird what is the essence of technology as it is defined in these writings. Darwin and Nietzsche: Part 3: Truth as Correctness: Its Relation to Values. 15. The political as understood here is not what we commonly think of as political parties etc. The evidence is considered adequate when the idea in the mind corresponds to the object which is under investigation and that object gives us its reasons for being as it is. One cannot say that Galileos doctrine of the free fall of bodies is true and that of Aristotle, who holds that light bodies strive upwards, is false; for the Greek conception of the essence of body, of place, and of their relationship depends on a different interpretation of beings and therefore engenders a different way of seeing and examining natural processes.