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Staff Staff 2022-23 Mustangs Athletics/Activities Staff Directory Archery Head Coach - TBD Band Head Director: John Lovell: john.lovell@mccracken.kyschools.us Assistant Director/Jazz Director: Kelley Ray: kelley.ray@mccracken.kyschools.us Band Percussion Director: Ralph Matlock: ralph.matlock@hotmail.com if($(this).parent().is(":last-child")) { var vidRatio = initVidH / initVidW; // SET VARIABLES "showSchools" : "yes", });
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TO Inspire AND Equip
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We offer many extracurricular activities that will help make middle school students more well-rounded individuals by teaching important character traits such as sportsmanship,discipline, leadership, and how to lose gracefully as well as win with class.Our student-athletes are young men and women who want to reach their fullest potential in their sport, and with the help of coaches, teachers, teammates, and parents they can reach that goal and leave McCracken more equipped for competition at Spartanburg High School.Thank you, parents and guardians, for allowing our coaches to be a part of your childs life through athletics. }, 2023-2024 District Calendar KASA Announces 2023 Cohort of KY Women in. if($(dropdownParent).hasClass("open")){ // PROPERTIES icons += '' + icon.label + ''; } linkWrapStart + "allImagesLoaded" : function() { }, font: bold 100px verdana;
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McCracken Middle School Athletics strives to ensure all student-athletes become responsible citizens in all aspects of their lives by demonstrating a spirit of sportsmanship, teamwork and respect for coaches, teammates, school community as well as become effective participants in the arena of society.
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