The secret ballot, First of all, it is important to know the definition of democracy and its aspects. Advantages: meet outside often, healthy outdoor lifestyle, they had good temperature for farming and prospering, very moderate climate. To vote, citizens had to attend the assembly on the day the vote took place. (Document B): The second reason is that if the court decides that someone has no right to be enrolled as a citizen he becomes. Ancient Athens has two documents that discuss democracy. Democracy (disadvantage) Few people were considered citizens and had a voice in government. While Athens was a democracy, Sparta was an oligarchy, which means ruled by few powerful and wealthy people. Give me balance, give me equality. Athens government is a democracy which means all citizens get to take part. Every citizen in Athens is allowed to take part in government, even poor citizens. 1031 Words5 Pages. When the two words are put together it forms , meaning rule of the people. Mountains covered about three-fourths of ancient Greece. Advantages: small, easy to control, centralized. Athens strengths included its large size, large trireme navy, wealth, and democratic government. Lycurgus accomplished the consolidation. Monarchy (advantage) Middle class realized that they could make changes (leads to democracy) Tyranny (advantage) WebThe Threshold Of Democracy Athens In 403 B C Reacting To The Past When people should go to the ebook stores, search foundation by shop, shelf by shelf, it is really problematic. As I will come to. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. This group of people only included white male citizens, meaning that slaves, foreign born residents, women and some men who hadnt obtained citizenship couldnt vote (Doc D). Sparta and Athens are very different from the way they are administered as well as their practices. What was the disadvantage of democracy in ancient Greece? For a long time, historians have kept this question in mind while studying laws and methods of the Ancient Athenians. Ancient Greece was dominated by small city-states and independent towns, rather than by one all-powerful king, because of its geography. When looking at this definition and trying to decide whether the Athenian democratic system was truly democratic, one would have to go with the answer no. This is because of Athenian cultural achievements, government and social climate. 8 What are the advantages and disadvantages of ancient Greece? Athens has a better government system then the Roman Republic. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. Athens was truly democratic because everyone had the equal justice, people were voted into office, and ones social class did not determine what a person could become. What was one advantage in the Greek world? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Which is correct poinsettia or poinsettia? To have a powerful and lasting empire with great prosperity you must have a series of strong leaders. 5 What are the disadvantages of Constitution? The goal of a vote was not to decide which special interests could muster the most votes, it was about how to bring together the information and know-how of the citizens to solve public problems. What are the limitations of a majority rule democracy? They also had a council of five hundred. Athens is the symbol of freedom, art, and democracy in the conscience of the civilized world. As a system to control a state or community, government serves for citizens and put them first. It does not store any personal data. One that originates from ancient Greece, at the cradle of civilisation.The word democracy comes from the Greek meaning the people and meaning power or rule. All the sciences, democracy, philosophy etc were originally found in Athens. The Sea shaped the Greek civilizations as rivers did in the other ancient civilizations. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". What were the advantages and disadvantages of the city-state model of government in Greece? Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. The weaknesses weighed Sparta down, so here are some of those weaknesses. The focus of the times was directed towards military capabilities, while the Athenians were more interested in comfort and culture. WebThe term democracy, like many other political terms, was first discovered in Ancient Greece. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Tyranny (disadvantage) Not a guarantee that the people chosen by lottery would make effective government decisions. Questions/ Activities: Do reading #1 and answer these questions: * Make a list of the major characteristics/beliefs of the religion of the ancient Greeks. By 508 BCE, Cleisthenes came to power in Athens and creates a democratic constitution of all people. The. City-state is an independent or nearly independent state in which political and cultural activities are concentrated in a single urban center (Legon). This excluded a majority of the population: slaves, freed slaves, children, women and metics (foreign residents in Athens). The Athenian democracy, while it did give more power to the people, still left a lot of citizens out. Weaknesses include the voters ability to make poor decisions and be swayed by rhetoric and short office terms that made implementing policies difficult. Underline the word or expression in parentheses that best completes each sentence. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. One of the biggest weaknesses of Athenian democracy was highlighted by Plato; the masses are sometimes ignorant, and they are likely to be swayed by rhetoric. What is democracy? Its also said that Sparta is the foundation for the governments we now have in the world. A Monarchy is a political system ruled by one individual Why is Greece the birthplace of democracy? Athens was a democratic state that was peaceful and where women were open to culture and democracy. The reason why Takaki tells us the story of his interaction with the taxi cab driver is because the driver assumed since he was not white, that he was not American. Pros. In the period known as classical Greece in the years 800-323 BCE, Greece comprised of small city states (poleis) which were considered and operated as independent small countries. One of the most famous civilizations lies between three seas, the Aegean Sea, Sea of Crete, and the Ionian Sea. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Greece is also quite mountainous. Unlike the Romans, Athenians had a strict but fair schedule that allowed them to enjoy citizenship equally. Such abundance of water makes Ancient Greece good in fishing and trade. The god in charge of Athens was Athena, goddess of wisdom. Tyranny Cons: Cons: Some tyrants were corrupt. The first one is Document A: Pericles and the other one is Document B: The The Athenian Constitution. Athenians were the most scholarly types while the Spartans were more of the military type. Children were tortured to become strongerand all men would be fighting and stealing things just to survive. Unfortunately, the government makes the people feel powerless to the point where theyre forced to elect a candidate whos not impotent. In fact, it adhered to a military oligarchy most of its existence. How do these two city-states differ? The term, Democracy, stems from the Greek word demokratia which means rule by the people and it wasnt until around 500 BCE in Athens where the first examples of democracy originated. The Spartan government is made up of kings and elders only. Both Athens and Sparta had a similar government system. Each city-state had its own government. When a new law was proposed, all the citizens of Athens had the opportunity to vote on it. It also means its citizens come first in order of importance. Who were excluded from Greeces limited democracy? Democracy (disadvantage) Few people were considered citizens and had a voice in government. Their government was Demokratia, and this excluded the women, the children, the metics, and the slaves. The community showed little cohesion as a group. Athens also had much more trading power, and controlled more land than Sparta. WebThe Democracy of Ancient Greece was used heavily in creating modern American Democracy. WebThe Sea shaped the Greek civilizations as rivers did in the other ancient civilizations. CON: Much of the citys accommodation is pricey. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. While Athens is widely regarded as the first historical example of a democratic system, some scholars believe that the Roman Empires republic system was more democratic than that of the Greek. It consists of two short words: demos which means either a citizen in a particular city-state or the lower orders, and kratos which means either rule or power - but these two are not of the same meaning. Monarchy, aristocracy, tyranny, oligarchy and democracy were all forms of government found at different times and in different city-states in Ancient Greece. Alexis de Tocqueville penned Democracy in America after he spent month America in the 1831, where he witnessed a new democratic system. State of the art architecture. + PRO: Though harder to find, more affordable options exist. 8 Who was not allowed to become a citizen of Greece? They became skilled sailors. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. 7 What are some pros and cons of Spartan society? How does Coyote kill the giant? Disadvantages: takes more time to make decisions, more costly. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. You cannot download interactives. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The Greek idea of democracy was different from present-day democracy because, in Athens, all adult citizens were required to take an active part in the government. This caused some to view them with hostility which sparked the conflicts between Athens and Sparta that lead to the Peloponnesian War. What was the limits of democracy in ancient Greece? Having good harbors and water access is good for trade, and trade brings economic stability. The Athenian democracy was not equitable, and it did not consider slaves and foreigners. The first reason is because Our constitution favors many instead of the few, this is also why it's called a democracy. Advantage: They had access to trade, transportation, fish, and water. In ancient Greece, demokratia, otherwise known as democracy can be battered down into demo, and kratia. Athens is the capital and the largest city of Greece. In Sparta, Boys were taken from parents at age seven and trained in the art of warfare. Even though their government was ran by the people themselves, only the men in the city could vote. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Tenant farmer Person who pays rent, either in money or crops, to grow crops on another person's land Metic Foreigner in a Greek city-state, often a merchant or artisan Slavery First of all, the economy was very strong in Athens. In addition, it supports the idea that the people can replace their government through peaceful transfers of power rather than violent uprising or revolution. Democracy is an aspect that can be included in many different governments including, republics, monarchies, and theocracies. This new city and surrounding area were not dominant or influential. WebAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Democracy. Why is that so? It combines two shorter words: demos meaning whole citizen living within a particular city-state and kratos meaning power or rule. They became skilled sailors. In the year 507 B.C., the Athenian leader Cleisthenes introduced a system of political reforms that he called demokratia, or rule by the people. The Athenians established a direct democracy where the people voted directly on the matter at hand. (Ancient Greek Democracy, The Romans then created their own type of democracy, where the citizens elected leaders to represent the peoples opinion. (Crabill, Ancient Rome) While neither the Athenian nor the Roman democracies were perfect by any means, they both, Whats more, Democracy was rising in Athens. To begin with Sparta completely discarded all advanced education. Webdirect democracy; indirect democracy; Pericles : Assignment #6 : Sources: reading #1: "The Religion of the Ancient Greeks." some might say the Romans were better. Greece was organized into many different city-states. Sea travel connected Greece to other societies. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Athens and Sparta were two of the most powerful and well known cities among all the Greek nations. 5. Why Ancient Athens is better than Sparta? Advantages: Made it hard for enemies to get to Greece, Greeks developed very small, close kit communities, hill top lookouts for invaders. Spartas government was said to have a mixture of the major types of government which is oligarchy, monarchy, and democracy. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It also represents the control of an organization or group by the majority of its members. Unless someone was part of the 1 percent, Athens gave members of society more rights than Sparta. Disadvantages: Not a lot of flat land to farm, Diffcult to travel over land, Diffcult to unite under a single government, limited natural resources. The Aetolians settled while the Dorians divided into two forces and continued on where one force took over Messenia and the other moved into Laconia and Sparta. It had a place in the way the people of ancient times governed their lives. Two of the most well known and powerful city-states were Sparta and Athens. But they were loyal to their city-state. Sea travel connected Greece to other societies. if the majority of the citizens didn't like the ideas of a single citizen they were to be banished or killed. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Athens? Some people think that ancient Athens was truly democratic, I think not. However up until 500 BCE, the concept of Democracy was a foreign concept, and the great civilizations of that era were run by monarchs, aristocrats, and religious leaders of sorts. Democracy in Athenian government the way that the citizens pass a vote is getting done, in elected by the assembly annually for making decisions about military matters and by showing hands. Sparta was focused on their military, discipline, and to have a strong state. Athenian democracy also had one-year term limits. Athens offered many activities for all men, women, and children. One of the main advantages of Athenian, Before the Age of Absolutism, institutions, such as the Church, legislatures, or social elites, restrained monarchical power. The mountains make trade within Greeces borders difficult. Due to the fact that Sparta had a very military lifestyle, they were good at raising strong outspoken women in a society where women were kept at home. Each polis differ particular on economically, politically, and military, When in doubt, however, the city-states did not get along. Advantages: Made it hard for enemies to get to Greece, Greeks developed very small, close kit communities, hill top lookouts for invaders. One of the many states of Greece, ancient Athens was indeed not truly democratic as a result of not inclusive, other than male citizens, to gain authority in ancient Athens, Demokratia was ruled by male citizens only, excluding women, free foreigners(Metics) and slaves.(Document D), therefore ruling Athens was only accessible to male citizen since since women, free foreigners(Metics), and slaves were not allowed to rule as a result of not being male citizens. Athens Logically enough, the English word itself is derived from older Middle French or Middle Latin equivalents. together can be a bad action taken by the government. WebThe advantages of Greeks geography is that they had protection from invaders and some disadvantages were that they had a hard time farming and traveling. In addition, citizens had the chance to spend time acting as council representatives, which gave them power and direct involvement with decision making. The rigidity of the Constitution makes it difficult to amend easily. It was easy for the Athenians to see who the people are due to the population number at the time. Government failure. According to the State of the World Atlas, 44% of the worlds population live in a stable democracy. Since the Spartans were only concerned with being great warriors, the Athenians became the cultural center of Greece during the Hellenic period. Web3.It made abuse of power complicated, as you could always bring a charge against an official in the peoples assembly. Greece, and especially Athens, is the cradle of democracy in the western civilization. Athens organized a group of Greek city states into the Delian League and eventually lead and dominated all of the city states in the League. While Athens is widely regarded as the first historical example of a democratic system, some scholars believe that the Roman Empires republic system was more democratic than that of the Greek. The concept of leadership was prevalent in the ancient world. The answers given may be; a society where everyone votes, or by dictionary definition a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of the state; typically through elected representation. However when analyzing the etymology of the word democracy we come to find out that demos means the people and kratia means rule or power in greek. The direct democracy of Athens wasnt actually as inclusive and steady as the statement at Pericles 's funeral state, Our Constitution is called a democracy because power is in the hands not of a minority but of the whole people (Doc C). In fact, of the 450,000 citizens of Athens in 430 BC, only about 40,000 people had the power to vote. In many scientific or philosophical words derived from Greek, the letter kkk is used to spell the kkk sound, as in skeptical and kleptomania. Hard work and equality is what makes a nation outstanding. Sparta and Athens were different in their values, politics, and societies. Democracy in Athens the government officials are chosen by sweepstakes and worked for 1 year for proposing and enforcing decrees but didnt have much individual power. The history of Ancient Athens dates back to 6,000 years ago. Originally Answered: why is Athens Greece considered the birthplace of democracy? Although, if we look at the Athens, we see that they had no issues with plentiful land, as they possessed large and populous territory. Draco organized laws by putting them in a written code, letting everyone know what the laws were and, In historical Europe, many of the countries were ruled by tyrants who dictated the citizens daily lives. Athenians made it clear that the poor helped build the city 's power and not just the wealthy. Advantage: They had access to trade, transportation, fish, and water. The Pros And Cons Of Ancient Athenian Democracy. What does checks and balances refer to quizlet? 2 What were the limitations of the ancient Greeks? Times change and with it human desires, but not many people challenge it or seem to think outside the box.