Our aim is to create a comprehensive library of videos to help you reach your academic potential.Revision Zone and Talent Tuition are sister organisations. All right, and then this is going to be multiplied by the temperature, which is 373 Kelvin. with enough energy for our reaction to occur. To find Ea, subtract ln A from both sides and multiply by -RT. In this case, the reaction is exothermic (H < 0) since it yields a decrease in system enthalpy. The activation energy of a Arrhenius equation can be found using the Arrhenius Equation: k = A e -Ea/RT. So what this means is for every one million isn't R equal to 0.0821 from the gas laws? Direct link to Sneha's post Yes you can! Direct link to James Bearden's post The activation energy is , Posted 8 years ago. Using the equation: Remember, it is usually easier to use the version of the Arrhenius equation after natural logs of each side have been taken Worked Example Calculate the activation energy of a reaction which takes place at 400 K, where the rate constant of the reaction is 6.25 x 10 -4 s -1. So 10 kilojoules per mole. What is the pre-exponential factor? So we're going to change This equation was first introduced by Svente Arrhenius in 1889. \(E_a\): The activation energy is the threshold energy that the reactant(s) must acquire before reaching the transition state. The Or, if you meant literally solve for it, you would get: So knowing the temperature, rate constant, and #A#, you can solve for #E_a#. The Arrhenius equation allows us to calculate activation energies if the rate constant is known, or vice versa. Up to this point, the pre-exponential term, \(A\) in the Arrhenius equation (Equation \ref{1}), has been ignored because it is not directly involved in relating temperature and activation energy, which is the main practical use of the equation. It's better to do multiple trials and be more sure. The activation energy can also be calculated directly given two known temperatures and a rate constant at each temperature. must collide to react, and we also said those We multiply this number by eEa/RT\text{e}^{-E_{\text{a}}/RT}eEa/RT, giving AeEa/RTA\cdot \text{e}^{-E_{\text{a}}/RT}AeEa/RT, the frequency that a collision will result in a successful reaction, or the rate constant, kkk. In practice, the graphical approach typically provides more reliable results when working with actual experimental data. The activation energy can be calculated from slope = -Ea/R. Direct link to awemond's post R can take on many differ, Posted 7 years ago. Direct link to Stuart Bonham's post The derivation is too com, Posted 4 years ago. Download for free here. So, 40,000 joules per mole. According to kinetic molecular theory (see chapter on gases), the temperature of matter is a measure of the average kinetic energy of its constituent atoms or molecules. So what does this mean? Direct link to Ernest Zinck's post In the Arrhenius equation. Summary: video walkthrough of A-level chemistry content on how to use the Arrhenius equation to calculate the activation energy of a chemical reaction. Math can be challenging, but it's also a subject that you can master with practice. The Arrhenius equation allows us to calculate activation energies if the rate constant is known, or vice versa. With this knowledge, the following equations can be written: \[ \ln k_{1}=\ln A - \dfrac{E_{a}}{k_{B}T_1} \label{a1} \], \[ \ln k_{2}=\ln A - \dfrac{E_{a}}{k_{B}T_2} \label{a2} \]. Segal, Irwin. you can estimate temperature related FIT given the qualification and the application temperatures. Laidler, Keith. So now, if you grab a bunch of rate constants for the same reaction at different temperatures, graphing #lnk# vs. #1/T# would give you a straight line with a negative slope. So let's write that down. This is because the activation energy of an uncatalyzed reaction is greater than the activation energy of the corresponding catalyzed reaction. This means that high temperature and low activation energy favor larger rate constants, and thus speed up the reaction. collisions in our reaction, only 2.5 collisions have And then over here on the right, this e to the negative Ea over RT, this is talking about the Recall that the exponential part of the Arrhenius equation expresses the fraction of reactant molecules that possess enough kinetic energy to react, as governed by the Maxwell-Boltzmann law. The lower it is, the easier it is to jump-start the process. e, e to the, we have -40,000, one, two, three divided by 8.314 times 373. Equation \ref{3} is in the form of \(y = mx + b\) - the equation of a straight line. Take a look at the perfect Christmas tree formula prepared by math professors and improved by physicists. But if you really need it, I'll supply the derivation for the Arrhenius equation here. Plan in advance how many lights and decorations you'll need! I believe it varies depending on the order of the rxn such as 1st order k is 1/s, 2nd order is L/mol*s, and 0 order is M/s. Generally, it can be done by graphing. the activation energy or changing the First, note that this is another form of the exponential decay law discussed in the previous section of this series. Solve the problem on your own then yuse to see if you did it correctly and it ewen shows the steps so you can see where you did the mistake) The only problem is that the "premium" is expensive but I haven't tried it yet it may be worth it. increase the rate constant, and remember from our rate laws, right, R, the rate of our reaction is equal to our rate constant k, times the concentration of, you know, whatever we are working It is measured in 1/sec and dependent on temperature; and How do I calculate the activation energy of ligand dissociation. Sausalito (CA): University Science Books. Digital Privacy Statement |
So decreasing the activation energy increased the value for f, and so did increasing the temperature, and if we increase f, we're going to increase k. So if we increase f, we Ea is the factor the question asks to be solved. This is why the reaction must be carried out at high temperature. The rate constant for the rate of decomposition of N2O5 to NO and O2 in the gas phase is 1.66L/mol/s at 650K and 7.39L/mol/s at 700K: Assuming the kinetics of this reaction are consistent with the Arrhenius equation, calculate the activation energy for this decomposition. Hence, the activation energy can be determined directly by plotting 1n (1/1- ) versus 1/T, assuming a reaction order of one (a reasonable Through the unit conversion, we find that R = 0.0821 (L atm)/(K mol) = 8.314 J/(K mol). So k is the rate constant, the one we talk about in our rate laws. All right, this is over So that you don't need to deal with the frequency factor, it's a strategy to avoid explaining more advanced topics. 1975. I am trying to do that to see the proportionality between Ea and f and T and f. But I am confused. So we symbolize this by lowercase f. So the fraction of collisions with enough energy for And here we get .04. A = The Arrhenius Constant. Is it? Step 3 The user must now enter the temperature at which the chemical takes place. A = 4.6 x 10 13 and R = 8.31 J K -1 mol -1. R can take on many different numerical values, depending on the units you use. If you want an Arrhenius equation graph, you will most likely use the Arrhenius equation's ln form: This bears a striking resemblance to the equation for a straight line, y=mx+cy = mx + cy=mx+c, with: This Arrhenius equation calculator also lets you create your own Arrhenius equation graph! we avoid A because it gets very complicated very quickly if we include it( it requires calculus and quantum mechanics). This approach yields the same result as the more rigorous graphical approach used above, as expected. In the Arrhenius equation, k = Ae^(-Ea/RT), A is often called the, Creative Commons Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike. They are independent. mol T 1 and T 2 = absolute temperatures (in Kelvin) k 1 and k 2 = the reaction rate constants at T 1 and T 2 Using a specific energy, the enthalpy (see chapter on thermochemistry), the enthalpy change of the reaction, H, is estimated as the energy difference between the reactants and products. T = degrees Celsius + 273.15. What number divided by 1,000,000 is equal to .04? Use our titration calculator to determine the molarity of your solution. Posted 8 years ago. The views, information, or opinions expressed on this site are solely those of the individual(s) involved and do not necessarily represent the position of the University of Calgary as an institution. An open-access textbook for first-year chemistry courses. It should result in a linear graph. . If you still have doubts, visit our activation energy calculator! If the activation energy is much smaller than the average kinetic energy of the molecules, a large fraction of molecules will be adequately energetic and the reaction will proceed rapidly. The Arrhenius equation is a formula that describes how the rate of a reaction varied based on temperature, or the rate constant. I can't count how many times I've heard of students getting problems on exams that ask them to solve for a different variable than they were ever asked to solve for in class or on homework assignments using an equation that they were given. The larger this ratio, the smaller the rate (hence the negative sign). 2005. Deals with the frequency of molecules that collide in the correct orientation and with enough energy to initiate a reaction. 40 kilojoules per mole into joules per mole, so that would be 40,000. First determine the values of ln k and 1/T, and plot them in a graph: Graphical determination of Ea example plot, Slope = [latex] \frac{E_a}{R}\ [/latex], -4865 K = [latex] \frac{E_a}{8.3145\ J\ K^{-1}{mol}^{-1}}\ [/latex]. This adaptation has been modified by the following people: Drs. Hence, the rate of an uncatalyzed reaction is more affected by temperature changes than a catalyzed reaction. Finally, in 1899, the Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) combined the concepts of activation energy and the Boltzmann distribution law into one of the most important relationships in physical chemistry: Take a moment to focus on the meaning of this equation, neglecting the A factor for the time being. You just enter the problem and the answer is right there. Chemistry Chemical Kinetics Rate of Reactions 1 Answer Truong-Son N. Apr 1, 2016 Generally, it can be done by graphing. Let me know down below if:- you have an easier way to do these- you found a mistake or want clarification on something- you found this helpful :D* I am not an expert in this topic. The difficulty is that an exponential function is not a very pleasant graphical form to work with: as you can learn with our exponential growth calculator; however, we have an ace in our sleeves. How do you calculate activation energy? Calculate the energy of activation for this chemical reaction. Activation Energy for First Order Reaction calculator uses Energy of Activation = [R]*Temperature_Kinetics*(ln(Frequency Factor from Arrhenius Equation/Rate, The Arrhenius Activation Energy for Two Temperature calculator uses activation energy based on two temperatures and two reaction rate. The activation energy of a reaction can be calculated by measuring the rate constant k over a range of temperatures and then use the Arrhenius Equation. It was found experimentally that the activation energy for this reaction was 115kJ/mol115\ \text{kJ}/\text{mol}115kJ/mol. It is interesting to note that for both permeation and diffusion the parameters increase with increasing temperature, but the solubility relationship is the opposite. So the lower it is, the more successful collisions there are. How do the reaction rates change as the system approaches equilibrium? If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. calculations over here for f, and we said that to increase f, right, we could either decrease we've been talking about. You can rearrange the equation to solve for the activation energy as follows: Find the activation energy (in kJ/mol) of the reaction if the rate constant at 600K is 3.4 M, Find the rate constant if the temperature is 289K, Activation Energy is 200kJ/mol and pre-exponential factor is 9 M, Find the new rate constant at 310K if the rate constant is 7 M, Calculate the activation energy if the pre-exponential factor is 15 M, Find the new temperature if the rate constant at that temperature is 15M. A reaction with a large activation energy requires much more energy to reach the transition state. The most obvious factor would be the rate at which reactant molecules come into contact. Welcome to the Christmas tree calculator, where you will find out how to decorate your Christmas tree in the best way. So let's do this calculation. This can be calculated from kinetic molecular theory and is known as the frequency- or collision factor, \(Z\). "Chemistry" 10th Edition. Ames, James. to the rate constant k. So if you increase the rate constant k, you're going to increase What's great about the Arrhenius equation is that, once you've solved it once, you can find the rate constant of reaction at any temperature. In mathematics, an equation is a statement that two things are equal. So decreasing the activation energy increased the value for f. It increased the number You can also easily get #A# from the y-intercept. By rewriting Equation \ref{a2}: \[ \ln A = \ln k_{2} + \dfrac{E_{a}}{k_{B}T_2} \label{a3} \]. All right, so 1,000,000 collisions. A lower activation energy results in a greater fraction of adequately energized molecules and a faster reaction. An increased probability of effectively oriented collisions results in larger values for A and faster reaction rates. The Arrhenius Equation is as follows: R = Ae (-Ea/kT) where R is the rate at which the failure mechanism occurs, A is a constant, Ea is the activation energy of the failure mechanism, k is Boltzmann's constant (8.6e-5 eV/K), and T is the absolute temperature at which the mechanism occurs. * k = Ae^ (-Ea/RT) The physical meaning of the activation barrier is essentially the collective amount of energy required to break the bonds of the reactants and begin the reaction. Our answer needs to be in kJ/mol, so that's approximately 159 kJ/mol. $$=\frac{(14.860)(3.231)}{(1.8010^{3}\;K^{1})(1.2810^{3}\;K^{1})}$$$$=\frac{11.629}{0.5210^{3}\;K^{1}}=2.210^4\;K$$, $$E_a=slopeR=(2.210^4\;K8.314\;J\;mol^{1}\;K^{1})$$, $$1.810^5\;J\;mol^{1}\quad or\quad 180\;kJ\;mol^{1}$$. enough energy to react. If we look at the equation that this Arrhenius equation calculator uses, we can try to understand how it works: k = A\cdot \text {e}^ {-\frac {E_ {\text {a}}} {R\cdot T}}, k = A eRT Ea, where: What is "decaying" here is not the concentration of a reactant as a function of time, but the magnitude of the rate constant as a function of the exponent Ea/RT. Physical Chemistry for the Biosciences. As well, it mathematically expresses the relationships we established earlier: as activation energy term E a increases, the rate constant k decreases and therefore the rate of reaction decreases. Obtaining k r Also called the pre-exponential factor, and A includes things like the frequency of our collisions, and also the orientation No matter what you're writing, good writing is always about engaging your audience and communicating your message clearly. We need to look at how e - (EA / RT) changes - the fraction of molecules with energies equal to or in excess of the activation energy. Use this information to estimate the activation energy for the coagulation of egg albumin protein. Determining the Activation Energy . k = A. k is the rate constant, A is the pre-exponential factor, T is temperature and R is gas constant (8.314 J/mol K) You can also use the equation: ln (k1k2)=EaR(1/T11/T2) to calculate the activation energy. The Arrhenius equation is a formula that describes how the rate of a reaction varied based on temperature, or the rate constant. 6.2: Temperature Dependence of Reaction Rates, { "" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass228_0.b__1]()", "" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass228_0.b__1]()", "" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass228_0.b__1]()", "" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass228_0.b__1]()", "" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass228_0.b__1]()", "" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass228_0.b__1]()" }, { "6.2.01:_Activation_Parameters" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass228_0.b__1]()", "6.2.02:_Changing_Reaction_Rates_with_Temperature" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass228_0.b__1]()", "6.2.03:_The_Arrhenius_Law" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass228_0.b__1]()" }, [ "article:topic", "Arrhenius equation", "authorname:lowers", "showtoc:no", "license:ccby", "source@http://www.chem1.com/acad/webtext/virtualtextbook.html" ], https://chem.libretexts.org/@app/auth/3/login?returnto=https%3A%2F%2Fchem.libretexts.org%2FBookshelves%2FPhysical_and_Theoretical_Chemistry_Textbook_Maps%2FSupplemental_Modules_(Physical_and_Theoretical_Chemistry)%2FKinetics%2F06%253A_Modeling_Reaction_Kinetics%2F6.02%253A_Temperature_Dependence_of_Reaction_Rates%2F6.2.03%253A_The_Arrhenius_Law%2F6.2.3.01%253A_Arrhenius_Equation, \( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}}}\) \( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash{#1}}} \)\(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)\(\newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\). An overview of theory on how to use the Arrhenius equationTime Stamps:00:00 Introduction00:10 Prior Knowledge - rate equation and factors effecting the rate of reaction 03:30 Arrhenius Equation04:17 Activation Energy \u0026 the relationship with Maxwell-Boltzman Distributions07:03 Components of the Arrhenius Equations11:45 Using the Arrhenius Equation13:10 Natural Logs - brief explanation16:30 Manipulating the Arrhenius Equation17:40 Arrhenius Equation, plotting the graph \u0026 Straight Lines25:36 Description of calculating Activation Energy25:36 Quantitative calculation of Activation Energy #RevisionZone #ChemistryZone #AlevelChemistry*** About Us ***We make educational videos on GCSE and A-level content. 1. Math can be tough, but with a little practice, anyone can master it. The Arrhenius Equation, `k = A*e^(-E_a/"RT")`, can be rewritten (as shown below) to show the change from k1 to k2 when a temperature change from T1 to T2 takes place. The slope = -E a /R and the Y-intercept is = ln(A), where A is the Arrhenius frequency factor (described below). We know from experience that if we increase the The Arrhenius equation is based on the Collision theory .The following is the Arrhenius Equation which reflects the temperature dependence on Chemical Reaction: k=Ae-EaRT. My hope is that others in the same boat find and benefit from this.Main Helpful Sources:-Khan Academy-https://chem.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Physical_and_Theoretical_Chemistry_Textbook_Maps/Supplemental_Modules_(Physical_and_Theoretical_Chemistry)/Kinetics/Reaction_Mechanisms/Activation_Energy_-_Ea Direct link to Gozde Polat's post Hi, the part that did not, Posted 8 years ago. Now, how does the Arrhenius equation work to determine the rate constant? We can tailor to any UK exam board AQA, CIE/CAIE, Edexcel, MEI, OCR, WJEC, and others.For tuition-related enquiries, please contact info@talentuition.co.uk. Main article: Transition state theory. - In the last video, we As the temperature rises, molecules move faster and collide more vigorously, greatly increasing the likelihood of bond cleavages and rearrangements. Determining the Activation Energy So what is the point of A (frequency factor) if you are only solving for f? The neutralization calculator allows you to find the normality of a solution. fraction of collisions with enough energy for Step 1: Convert temperatures from degrees Celsius to Kelvin. Activation Energy and the Arrhenius Equation. In practice, the equation of the line (slope and y-intercept) that best fits these plotted data points would be derived using a statistical process called regression. It is common knowledge that chemical reactions occur more rapidly at higher temperatures. Answer Using an Arrhenius plot: A graph of ln k against 1/ T can be plotted, and then used to calculate Ea This gives a line which follows the form y = mx + c Direct link to Yonatan Beer's post we avoid A because it get, Posted 2 years ago. In many situations, it is possible to obtain a reasonable estimate of the activation energy without going through the entire process of constructing the Arrhenius plot. Powered by WordPress. One can then solve for the activation energy by multiplying through by -R, where R is the gas constant. K, T is the temperature on the kelvin scale, E a is the activation energy in J/mole, e is the constant 2.7183, and A is a constant called the frequency factor, which is related to the . For example, for reaction 2ClNO 2Cl + 2NO, the frequency factor is equal to A = 9.4109 1/sec. \(T\): The absolute temperature at which the reaction takes place. We're keeping the temperature the same. The value of depends on the failure mechanism and the materials involved, and typically ranges from 0.3 or 0.4 up to 1.5, or even higher. Determine the value of Ea given the following values of k at the temperatures indicated: Substitute the values stated into the algebraic method equation: ln [latex] \frac{{{\rm 2.75\ x\ 10}}^{{\rm -}{\rm 8}{\rm \ }}{\rm L\ }{{\rm mol}}^{{\rm -}{\rm 1}}{\rm \ }{{\rm s}}^{{\rm -}{\rm 1}}}{{{\rm 1.95\ x\ 10}}^{{\rm -}{\rm 7}}{\rm \ L}{{\rm \ mol}}^{{\rm -}{\rm 1}}{\rm \ }{{\rm s}}^{{\rm -}{\rm 1}}}\ [/latex] = [latex] \frac{E_a}{8.3145\ J\ K^{-1}{mol}^{-1}}\left({\rm \ }\frac{1}{{\rm 800\ K}}-\frac{1}{{\rm 600\ K}}{\rm \ }\right)\ [/latex], [latex] \-1.96\ [/latex] = [latex] \frac{E_a}{8.3145\ J\ K^{-1}{mol}^{-1}}\left({\rm -}{\rm 4.16\ x}{10}^{-4}{\rm \ }{{\rm K}}^{{\rm -}{\rm 1\ }}\right)\ [/latex], [latex] \ 4.704\ x\ 10{}^{-3}{}^{ }{{\rm K}}^{{\rm -}{\rm 1\ }} \ [/latex]= [latex] \frac{E_a}{8.3145\ J\ K^{-1}{mol}^{-1}}\ [/latex], Introductory Chemistry 1st Canadian Edition, https://opentextbc.ca/introductorychemistry/, CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. If we decrease the activation energy, or if we increase the temperature, we increase the fraction of collisions with enough energy to occur, therefore we increase the rate constant k, and since k is directly proportional to the rate of our reaction, we increase the rate of reaction. ideas of collision theory are contained in the Arrhenius equation, and so we'll go more into this equation in the next few videos. The Arrhenius equation can be given in a two-point form (similar to the Clausius-Claperyon equation). 540 subscribers *I recommend watching this in x1.25 - 1.5 speed In this video we go over how to calculate activation energy using the Arrhenius equation. Direct link to Noman's post how does we get this form, Posted 6 years ago. The Arrhenius Activation Energy for Two Temperaturecalculator uses the Arrhenius equation to compute activation energy based on two temperatures and two reaction rate constants. The value of the slope is -8e-05 so: -8e-05 = -Ea/8.314 --> Ea = 6.65e-4 J/mol When it is graphed, you can rearrange the equation to make it clear what m (slope) and x (input) are. For the same reason, cold-blooded animals such as reptiles and insects tend to be more lethargic on cold days. The Arrhenius equation allows us to calculate activation energies if the rate constant is known, or vice versa. This is the activation energy equation: \small E_a = - R \ T \ \text {ln} (k/A) E a = R T ln(k/A) where: E_a E a Activation energy; R R Gas constant, equal to 8.314 J/ (Kmol) T T Temperature of the surroundings, expressed in Kelvins; k k Reaction rate coefficient. What is the meaning of activation energy E? These reaction diagrams are widely used in chemical kinetics to illustrate various properties of the reaction of interest. Linearise the Arrhenius equation using natural logarithm on both sides and intercept of linear equation shoud be equal to ln (A) and take exponential of ln (A) which is equal to your. Calculate the activation energy of a reaction which takes place at 400 K, where the rate constant of the reaction is 6.25 x 10 -4 s -1. Use the detention time calculator to determine the time a fluid is kept inside a tank of a given volume and the system's flow rate. To eliminate the constant \(A\), there must be two known temperatures and/or rate constants. 40,000 divided by 1,000,000 is equal to .04. From the Arrhenius equation, a plot of ln(k) vs. 1/T will have a slope (m) equal to Ea/R. The Activation Energy equation using the Arrhenius formula is: The calculator converts both temperatures to Kelvin so they cancel out properly. This is the y= mx + c format of a straight line.
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