I actually love zyBooks because it encourages learning and doesn't penalize you for wrong answers. It's easy to use, but it could try to give a real world problem. So here I am. I have found that between ZyBooks and ____ (my other online resource) ZyBooks has been better for teaching and use for homework. I think it is a great way to learn coding concepts in particular! However, What I like about zybooks is that there is no correct or incorrect answers for the practice problems, in the sense that we can keep trying until we get it right. I say an animation is worth 5,000," says Vahid. Bad meme aside, it's been an extremely helpful and coincidental tool once my instructor strictly transitioned to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. I enjoy the interactive modules. I wish more classes would use it. zyBooks helps you learn in an interactive way. zyBooks is fantastic. over simplifies the concepts and the graphic things are too slow, Easy to use learning platform, and the challenge activities can help students learn better. So far, I like it because it's very straight forward. I wish the whole entire zybooks sections were graded. It's good. Notes and exercises provided are sufficient and easier for me to understand the course better. The only thing I would like different is to have explanations for coding parts that are very confusing. I would get concepts right because of the spacing I would have to retry the problems until I got them right, It's actually a good platform for learning, There are many typos in the solutions, and the solutions should accept a wider range of inputs. I find having participation activities in between content is effective in reinforcing new material. Do zyBooks work on a mobile phone? Do you have an app? Change your testing methods. It was helpful, organized in a good, easy to understand way. zyBooks are available in topics ranging from introductory programming courses in various languages to mobile app development. I felt the challenge questions allowed me to prove that I knew what I was doing. The platform offers interactive tools, responsive questions, and animations to improve the overall learning experience. It has been a good learning tool, however my one complaint is the jump in difficulty from the chapter material to the lab material is a bit steep for me. I love zyBooks but it can be hit or miss with some courses. I like how the activities reinforce the reading material. It helps me organize what I need to have done for each week which helps me stay organized. It is a fun and interactive tool to help me study. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. vegan options at biltmore estate. The zylabs were an awful part of the course tho and ended up hurting learning a lot. Input is very confusing. Very easy to use and the problems provided in the textbook help me practice and understand the material better! I liked the web systems design it was helpful for learning to create a website, i have never loved having textbooks online, but zybooks is much better than expected. Zybooks is very clear and helpful with ever concept. Text could be broken up better. zyBooks has been a tremendous help when it comes to studying. The animations are extremely slow and the questions are pretty tedious but I did learn a lot. I also love that if i get a question wrong I can go back and try again. Zybooks are well organized, but some of the click-through demonstrations are boring, so I end up not paying attention. As it was my first time programming, it provided a clear and organized comprehension method allowing me to catch onto concepts and the language quite quickly. Anyways, there is a lot to work on. The exercises seem good and it takes pressure off knowing there is no penalty. Also, the way it's set up, there's no pressure to get them right because you can answer multiple times. Programming is very different from other subjects. I would say it is a great tool to expand beyond the scope of most courses, but not that helpful in directly assisting in the actual course. I think zybooks is pretty good. There is no point in buying a zybook if the contents just lock back after my rental has ended. The interactive nature of zyBooks helped me remain engaged with the textbook and retain a surprising amount of new information very quickly. The material is concise and easy to follow. I deeply appreciate the information and comprehension questions being baked together. I found it overall a great platform to use, especially for a CS class, i feel it is very coveient and modern vs toting a book around with you and selling them back to the bookstore for near to nothing. Super easy to use, no technical difficulties. The repetition from typing in answers helps reinforce Java syntax. I benefitted from the many exercises in coding and reading/solving code outcomes. It was much easier to absorb this class thanks to zyBooks. They help me grasp the concepts taught in the book. The field our textbook is based off of is an extremely fluid subject, so unfortunately some small portions were out of date; which were only a year out at the most. It's just like any other text book except a bit more interactive. Oh, one more thing, it was extremely annoying to solve a problem, when the only thing wrong with my program is that I printed out two spaces instead of one. The challenge for any instructor teaching a first course in programming is helping students "get" programming. I like it so far! I think its great for learning things like circuits because it makes it easy to interact and see how they work internally and how all of the equations and systems would apply. Welcome to zyBooks's home for real-time and historical data on system performance., .. . I learn things through interactive demos and zybooks fulfilled that requirement. I really like the way that zyBooks is set up, it is clear and helpful. Try the first chapter free! I thought zybooks is a wonderful way to learn python. I have enjoyed using zyBooks. Pretty good interactive content. Having to pay full price for a text and still losing access to it after the semester ends is frustrating, especially if you have to retake a course - you have to buy the same book twice. The lessons were interactive and easily accessible . Maybe the instructors and the material tell the student to work things on their computers, and the students that I've got just don't care and try learning relying only on the zylabs. Overall, the participation activities are fine. Very well done material, however a little tedious for people already familiar with the material. The first textbook I've actually used in my college career. The content was clear, concise, and easy to understand with examples. To submit, add a space, delete the space, then submit. I hope future online classes use zyBooks. Fantastic! Very interesting to see an interactive part as the centerpiece of instruction, Usually turned to zybooks for clarifications from my other lectures. At first I thought having to pay for a book for coding was really dumb since almost all information is available on the internet anyway and my class already has a structure and planning but honestly zyBooks did help nail down some concepts but what it did most was let me see things in different forms then what my instructor did and that gave me a better understanding of how things work and better let me form my own system and ideas on how to format and use code. This is my first computer science I've ever taken, and I haven't had good experiences with past online textbooks so this was a pleasant surprise. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It is not my favorite software to use, but it is definitely helpful when it comes to reviewing materials with the challenges and participations. It was fine to use but not my favorite way to learn. Get a demo today. Sometimes the lessons are a bit long and confusing, so by the time you get to the challenge questions there is just too much information, but overall its a good system. I am currently in the Scripting and Programming - Foundations class. I really enjoy the examples and the short activities within each lesson. I appreciate the interactive nature of zyBooks. But not always the case, for certain classes the zyBooks is incomplete, or not a good addition/substitude for lectures. Pretty easy to use, although the sensitivity to white spaces was rather unnecessary. Working at zyBooks | Glassdoor This mentality has come back to bite me this semester. It was a very helpful and organized tool that helped with the material for my class. I'm ashamed to have done less than I wanted to, but the time I did put into the course I got a lot out of. The exercises evaluate and develop understanding. It was really good at explaining topics and the exercises were helpful in learning the material, It is very helpful about Computer Science. It explained things in a fun and descriptive way as well. I like how zyBooks is structured to help me code in an efficient manor. i enjoy the interactive nature of Zybooks, being able to test the concepts and reference the material at the same time is very helpful. I'm very pleased with the interactivity, which helps my engagement. I like the organization of the textbook including the animations to demonstrate the subject matter, all in all this is a useful text that should be integrated for all subjects. Covered the topics well with visualization, text, and activities. However, I do believe that some of the feedback messages could have been more descriptive/helpful when writing the practice codes. I think Zybooks is really great. A good site to practice the material thats assigned, zyBooks was really good for learning C++ because of the interactive examples and animations. zyBooks is way more interactive and engaging then a normal book, specially in topics such as computer science. not reliable at times. Some of the graded code assigments were formatted poorly but otherwise not horrible. Zybooks has several positive and negative aspects. The script will do: All multiple choice activities. but instead of giving us assignments on them, he would just check that we had done these in-book assignment things that we could just click through, so I never gave a shit about the readings. It is very helpful, I used it for two semester. The service is nice because I can always go back to the information and review something if I'd like. I like it so far. I think it conveys material in a way that is easily understood. It was very unhelpful when it came to the written portion because if you wrote the wrong answer there was no help on what the right answer was so you pretty much just had to continue to guess until you got it right or just not do them. zybooks lays out the material in a flow that makes it easier to understand and view. The animations are also super helpful when trying to understand a concept. I think having the activities throughout definitely helps strengthen and visualize my understanding of the material. The material is well-organized and presented concisely. I appreciate zybooks for allowing me to run my code before I submit. For example, one of the chapters used memory allocation in an example but the memory allocation topic wasn't until a few chapters later. It provides an easy way for us to study the material. But it is ok stressfu. There is some things that may not be taught the same format for coding in the zyBook. very useful for more in-depth explanations. Very good for someone who is just starting. I have access to zybooks anywhere as long as i have a decent connection to wifi.