To Michael (#646), It isnt the case that the MLK crime scene was unprotected. There were only a select few who could say anything about anything. Pastor Bob Coy of Calvary Chapel accused of molesting 4-year-old I hung out with Mac behind the scenes, he was actually quite a nice guy outside the pulpit. I disagree with him on many points, but I will not slander him. I think that older men with less testosterone can dodge these bullets. Go to Him as a child and offer your heart as a servant He will guide your steps. Who gets the title? Is it like a day or is a day like a 1,000 yrs? I dont think so, would the owner of a Christian blog be joining in the attacks and ridicule directed towards a fallen brother? Let there be no hint of rejoicing in this sad day. In other words you are fighting for a literal 1,000 yr period for a non existent kingdom. photos: Screencap via Youtube/Google Street View, The club has now terminated its relationship with Coy, toured the nation on Evangelical radio and TV shows. None of us are in a position to throw stones, judge, or cast aspersions upon or condemn himonly God can. pS Dont forget to include Delilah in your prayers tonight:). They told me about some others they knew who were part of the less prestigious meals. You never know what youd do if you were in his position.thats like a bum saying hed never do what a rich man would do. Lets give him room to breathe and an opportunity to make things right with God, then his family before we are so quick to cast stones. Only at least Coy got caught for his stuff, my step-dad CC pastor still gets away with it. Jean- Yes it went on because I knew a couple that had dinner with BC and wife with only a few other couples. And I know firsthand that some of the Pastors of these churches knew by mid-week what was going down. Our practice should be shaped by our doctrine. ok. I hope Joe Focht can get her story and reconsider the Moses Model and other vision casters in his region. The problems you have had our probably gossip and busy bodying. There of course will be natural consequences for his sin (as there for all of us) when we too sin, but his will be on a much bigger stage. "I had been invited to his house for Christmas dinner and I skipped it," Coy told Stetzer. Flynn, what else have you learned from Chuck Missler and your Schofield Bible?. How many people attend your church, I want to make sure your crusading vendetta against CC is not born out of jealousy, for a work that God has raised up in these last days and the devil through people like you is attacking incessantly! I was feeling horrible.". And because of this I rejoice. Look in Daniel 1 v 20. "If you're angry or you're disillusioned or you're fearful, if you embarrass yourself or you disappoint yourself he can take all the mess and turn it into something beautiful.". You give me a link that says the MLK crime scene was unprotected that night. 10 czerwca 2022 I have sympathy for this man (and especially his innocent family) because the Lord is instructing me in compassion, I also know that it has taken many years for my family to recover from the harm and hypocrisy of the leadership of this church under the helm of this man. Its pretty common knowledge. Pastor Chuck Smith in 2006; the Calvary Chapel phenomenon, which now includes more than 1,000 churches nationwide and hundreds more overseas, began with the 25-member church Smith founded on a Costa Mesa lot in 1965. Gods speed in healing for all. and may what happened to BarJesus come upon you or worse as a witness from God that you are fighting against him! You made a freshman mistake. I hope the best for you Mr Coy God can still use you; after all Peter outwardly deigned Christ (3) times and was lifted up to be the one appointed to feed the sheep and , excuse the analogy, you will need to be willing to be crucified upside down. What do you do, you just put up little sayings to avoid answering the question, it doesnt change the question, its still waiting to be answered! Did Jesus only die for Christians? How am I sure there are details? What did the church do in the Middle Ages? Surely nobody thinks they just found out at the Sunday afternoon meeting. Smith, the founder of the Jesus People and the Calvary Chapel movement, and one of the most influential figures in modern American Christianity, died Thursday morning at his home in Newport Beach after a two-year battle with lung cancer, church officials said. Guess how many mainstream Christian media outlets have run this story. Barbara. Yes or no. 2.) Calvary Chapel is notorious for their cover ups. Again I presume your a single woman. Even her real son couldnt muster any rage. BUT, as Michael mentioned in the post above, the need for prayer for the wounded is so vitally important. She confirmed the story in stomach-churning detail. Diane Coy - Facebook That is why Mark Davis & Clay heacocks leftthey saw this stuff and said enough is enough!! But in 1981, his life changed forever thanks to an epic holiday hangover and his brother Jim, who'd already found religion. I hope you reconsider your life and realize there is a more excellent way to live which God wants to give you. I did ask Bob about the female dress attire in the early 2000s I was told, we dont want to turn off a new believer by offending them. I just wish I could walk away from everything with millions in my pocket when I get caught. Heres a couple of zoning maps for pompano which shows the boundaries going behind the church on Old Mcnab Road. Why so disrespectful? I think its cheap entertainment. This is very important Michael. CC will be ok, they will experience a separation of the wheat from the chaff which is healthy the sad part is there will be a number that like Peter will go back fishing but even they will not be lost if their heart truly is the Lords. Some knew that the building that was built for the H.S. Let us gather in prayer for the church, the family as well as for Bob that restoration, deliverance be thy restored. Is the IRS coming to take them to jail? Funny how theres one standard someone has about bearing false witness to their buddy and another one for me. You have no idea how enamored people are with this man. Let the people who preach the forgiveness of sins demonstrate the message. (Someone that good with words no doubt uses them as manipulative tools) Trusts broken to this degree can only be restored by years of observing consistently changed and altogether new attitudes and behavior toward Gods people. Of courseleave it to the Pharisees to fight amongst, not for, themselves. 17 The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. MLD, you have the right of it. We all had the church turn its back on us as if we were liars and the pastor had his boardaka henchmen literally try to chase my family out of town to keep us quiet. But it appears extramarital affairs may have been one reason. I totally agree anon. Hi Lorenzo, There is another reason some of us choose monogamy, and that is love. Just saying. Was a 2nd announcement made today at services?, Ok, Ill just vent then. So, what about babylons Dread is his theology from Homer Simpson? My step-dad CC pastor did that same thing as well. They wanted spirituality but could never go back to their parents' churches. (My friend and I agreed to disagree about Coys handling of Scripture..or, the lack thereof, deciding it would be best to study separately rather than keeping our yearly tradition of doing a combined study.) A rich man has freedom to embrace the world. I hate replacement theology. When a mocker comes along it is real important for him to be smart and accurate with his mocking. But the report is true, the blog host reported accurately and now that the rest of the media is reporting the same thing, these voices have quieted down and are left to the long task of relating to a new devastating reality. Their lawsuit was dismissed this past July. My sources (multiple) are accurate. In time. Our focus as sinners needs to be on the health of our individual, intimate relationship with Him. You declined. The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. YES and his congregation knows and it was handled perfectly. Coy says he was never approached by the police about the allegations. The ones with the largest pledge or most generous givers, got a more intimate dinner with DC and BC. Andy, your gravitar is a New Age symbol (Ill bet you did not know that) so what does that say about your comments? And I am not a Calvinist. Police later spoke with the victim in September 2015, but she said she was not sure whether she wanted to go through with a criminal investigation or testify. Read broadly from people who have some form of biblical training. Better perforate your Bibles if that is so. The divorce file includes nearly 30 pages of documents related to their finances and settlements. So, the next time she walks by, dont give a 2nd glance. Some are called to a higher level and accountability, and how much more do they need our prayer and support? If he was a preacher of grace and not telling me what to do on the radio this might not be so hypocritical. Bob Coy is the tip of the iceberg and gets special attention because of his position, but his fellow sinners are legion. He calls it sin, we call it sin. Adultery creates a ripple effect that grows outward and touches so many lives not just the two involved and it takes two willing participants to maintain. Read some of the reporting from the time. Contents show Robert J. He submitted to his board and their decision, and they are the ones that are privy to the details not you. Its a constant throughout human history. I admit that I sin regularly yet there has been a transformation that has taken place within me. What else do you claim to know better than Jesus. Whether you are a participant in CCFL or not, the bigger picture here is that Pastor Bob is not Jesus! Thanks for the attribution Michael, thats how it went down. Devastated, I left my home church because of Bob Coys candid sermons that are always delivered with been there done that backround..I,m on my knees for him and his family knowing that what Michael before me said is all true..very sad. Dusty you make an excellent point. There's no question he wants back in the game," Newnham says. It never happened. Be careful, any of us could be next. The worship leader left a few months back with no explanation. my neighbors are heathens and not under the law of Christ.further I will be raising you in prayer because you obviously need it since youre so bitter and are caring so much burden.