Unclear ideas and confused thoughts can produce problems in your life at this time. If lord of the 10th, you may be slandered in public or suffer calumny. All rights reserved. Having a trusted advisor can assist in making certain that you don?t get in over your head, wherever important matters require your word or signature. If you have this aspect in your natal chart, you may be able to see outside your culture and your time with clarity, taking others on dream-like journeys to far-away lands or times. Moon Transiting Libra: How does Moon in Libra affect me? This Tarot deck combines a variety of different style tarot decks mostly derived from Rider Waite but still maintains classic tarot symbolism. United States. This distorting influence of Neptune can harm your relationships. In either case, a clearer sense of personal, social, cultural, and historical boundaries is necessary and helpful for you to navigate day-to-day experience. transit Neptune sesquisquare natal Mercury. Spiritual awakening enlightenment 27 signs and symptoms your journey has begun, 8-Misinterpreted teachings-Jesus-Who was misunderstood in the Bible, Dark Night Of The Soul 20 to Signs Meaning Indepth Guide. Being in tune with the mystical, unseen and higher meanings is good, but you must learn to manage yourself and use logic to make your visions and inspirations known and understood by others. Neptune Conjunct Neptune Transit - AstroTransits This transit stimulates the tendency to unreal fantasies and obsessing with strange ideas. Your thinking is also likely to be very unclear. When you have natal Mercury conjunct Neptune, you can keep your mind open if you step away from lifes stresses or limit them to put the bigger possibilities you are infused with into practical use. Neptune Conjunct Chiron Natal and Transit - Astrology Transits to Chiron indicate a time for reflecting on your wounds, and letting go. A tendency to self-deception, being deceived or deceiving others is quite normal for this period. and also did you wear any high heeled red shoes with that or ? I have a special someone with this and its really hard to get that hidden Moon out. Strong earth or fire energy may shift this placement, whereas air and water strong in your chart will heighten Mercury conjunct Neptune. Many can get involved in all kinds of intrigues and deal with secret matters, whereas its important for morals to be maintained and for morals to be avoided, as well as slanders. : In Astrology, Mercury Transits through the houses astrology meaning, Jupiter Transits the Houses : What Happens Full guide, Saturn Transiting the Houses Transit Saturn In astrology, Uranus Transits in Astrology : Uranus transits through the houses, Neptune Transits : Through the Houses in Astrology, Pluto Transits Through the Houses In Astrology, natal sun in sagittarius through the houses, Planets Retrograde in the Signs and Houses, Natal Venus Retrograde through the houses : Moving forward, Natal Venus in Retrograde : in depth explanation all signs, Read about mercury conjunct Neptune transit here, Week Horoscope All Signs 19th February To 25th February, Honesty, especially self-honesty, is the best policy. Are you and your love interest meant to be? Astrological transits are a part of what is usually called predictive astrology, the claim of astrology to predict or forecast future trends and developments. Moon Phases in Astrology Transit and Natal, The Transit Moon In Astrology What Transits of the Moon mean. Keeping such things in mind, meetings should be postponed during the week of the Mercury conjunction with Neptune, when minds are clearer. Transiting Mercury conjunct Neptune can be the perfect time to engage in studies on artistic topics due to your enhanced creativity and imagination. So, you must be extremely careful when making important decisions or business transactions. The text below is the interpretation of Mercury transits conjunct Neptune. If you lie or misrepresent yourself now, others would likely find out. This is a fantastic period for explaining complex ideas, exactly as others need to understand them. Parts of the problems is that theyre trying to discuss anything that they cant really be as theyre being described: their ideals that are high, as well their visions from the past, their present and their future, so their realm is full of possibilities. These are opportunities for major insights and adjustments into the ways that imagination, fantasy, or artistic expression affect your inner life. Misinterpretations are much more likely to occur now than in the past, whether intentional or not. This symbolizes relatively minor but important updates in the way you process information, symbols, and patterns. Mercury Conjunct Neptune Natal & Transit - Meaning, Significance & Traits I have this for my solar return at 0 degrees, A lot of Absent mindness and forgetting stuff. What Is The Connection Between Soul And Body? New Moon meaning in astrology : When is the next new moon? first day of fall September 2022, How does the winter solstice affect astrology? You think you're telling the tale that sounds better, or what someone wants to hear. Then it's easy to lose sight of simple and common aspects of your life, like your keys, passwords, sense of time, or anything else that most mature people must manage daily. Web design & Development: ThinkWeb ThinkWeb March 2, 2025 Take time to make sure you check all impressions, visions, and information you receive from your inner and outer environment. Try not to discard ideas from the past without examining them and checking them carefully. Neptune Conjunct Moon A time during which you may be able to carry your ideals and dreams into reality to make your home and environment reflect your inner desires and become as you dreamed it could be. When this transit is expressing itself negatively, every thought and words are becoming twisted and misconceived, irrational, confused, fearful and paranoid. Transiting Scorpio Moon Phase in Astrology, Transiting Moon in Sagittarius Phase Astrology, Moon Transit Capricorn Phase in Astrology. Unclear ideas and confused thoughts can produce problems in your life at this time. And thats definitely something youll want to avoid. As a child, this penchant can be a creative and protective cocoon for you. Work and enhance your ability to decipher symbols and suggestions but dont become obsessive about this work; I know you can get frustrated when others do not understand you. When transiting Mercury is conjunct your natal Mercury: Your thinking and communications are much sharper than usual. This is usually a time to let go of meticulousness since it may prove impossible to catch everything. Mercury Stations Direct! Find maps and schedules for stops and routes. It's incredible to me to the point where you know, the few times I'm like, someone tells me that and my cynical nature is like, yeah, it's Mercury conjoined Neptune this power, I'm probably talking to a crazy person, you know? That's good for psychic work or creative expression, like composing music or writing works of fiction. Neptune Conjunct Uranus Transit This is not an aspect that's likely to happen, since the planetary cycle for Neptune takes longer to reach this position in any person's lifetime. In its highest manifestation, this transit gives accurate psychic perception at all levels, with unbiased processing of this spiritual information. And as you get a lot of speedy information, it will take time to learn to settle your mind and only receive helpful impressions at least 75-85% of the time. Youll have to take responsibility for all your behaviors. Transiting Pisces Moon. The conjunction between Mercury and Neptune takes place at the mind level and has an effect over the imagination, as well as how people are appreciating life through their mental focus. These transits favor the study of mystical, spiritual or metaphysical subjects, since you understand studied subjects better when you experience them at the same time. Jupiter will spend the first part of 2023 in Aries, its a great time to start new projects and adventures, especially if you have Aries placements. Worrying excessively about unimportant problems is quite normal during this period. Your ego is diminished and so is your ambition. She is an experienced practitioner who aims to make her work available to as many people as possible. There can be nervous problems, and, if you have any predisposition to nervous disorders or some nerve palsy, it can coincide with this time. Be careful in any contractual negotiations; that you understand the terms and that the other party understands you. March 8, 2024 Learn to value but control your imagination and get your subconscious and conscious mind to work together; this is tricky at first but is needed when you have natal Mercury conjunct, Neptune. Neptune Conjunct Uranus Aspects Natal and Transit - Astrology.com Avoid becoming an escape artist due to your lack of self-discipline and getting lost in the information; learn to control the background noise and partake in life, dont avoid it. This could include imaginary friends or entities when very young. If lord of the 8th, papers related to tax or finance may be lost or stolen. Virgo Moon Transit :What does it mean that the moon is in Virgo? When transiting Neptune is conjunct your natal Sun: This transit is likely to make you feel like you are invisible. Yes, you may have spiritual guides, but its your life, and its best to take otherworldly advice with discernment and not follow it blindly. After this I did his chart and he has Mercury conjunct Neptune. The positive is that your sensitivity to subtle influences around you is greatly increased. neptune Mercury Aspects Mercury represents our rational mind and is the planet of everyday expression and communication. Other people may tend to misunderstand what you say. If youre buying something, ask for a guarantee. If lord of the 7th, be careful in all matters related to contract negotiations and business partnerships. You see and sense the world through a different lens than anyone else, not the actual or factual world. 9 / 10. Mercury square Neptune natal can have a strange effect on your mind. Avoid becoming overly delirious and lost in the psychic realms, keep an idea journal, work through them, and finish things before starting something new. What happens on the winter solstice, Ophiuchus in Astrology:13th zodiac sign traits mythology & meaning | ANCIENTFUTUREVISION, Western Vs Vedic vs Constellational Astrology, Current Transits Calculator and This weeks Main Transits in Astrology, What are parallels in astrology : Contra Parallels and Parallels meaning, plutonic relationships in astrology plutonic love indepth, The Astrology Of Coronavirus, Current world News, how you can cope in these transformative times, UK Election Astrology Prediction December 2019, Jeremy Corbyn Natal Astrology Chart Interpretation, Sun in Cancer: Meaning, Mythology & how to manage: Ancientfuturevision. Some of what you experience while lost in another realm can be useful in consensual reality. He gave me a detailed description of some romantic moments between us during the project and a detailed description of what I wore, including a pair of white shorts. How others, especially parents and teachers, reacted to your stories about this imaginary world was critical. And yet, your ability to tell what is real and what is imaginary is perfectly balanced, making this period more productive. This is a time when misunderstandings in your communications are likely. You can express these insights through compassionate, supportive, selfless words and thought projection. 9 / 10. Strong earth or fire energy may shift this placement, whereas air and water strong in your chart will heighten Mercury conjunct Neptune. If lord of the 2nd, be very careful not to be swindled. Mercury takes about 88 days to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. What Is A Waxing Crescent Moon? There could be big changes in your life and society as a whole. The Mercury conjunct Neptune aspect is heightening senses to higher levels, so that the information entering their mind is becoming almost impossible to filter. View all Maps & Schedules by Route. The shadow side of Mercury Conjunct Neptune looks like deceit, lies and poisonous tactics, so beware! Most fixed-route buses have a low-floor design for easier boarding, all fixed routes include audio announcements and welcome service, and curb-to-curb services are also available. As you know, in this world, people who are different are often ridiculed, so people shut down their emotional sides, typically by age 30, so they can fit in with the rational, scientific and technological worldview. When transiting Mercury is conjunct your natal Neptune: Your thinking and communication are heavily influenced by that part of yourself which is difficult . Mercury conjunct Neptune in the natal chart can make you more sensitive to your surroundings, but this depends on all aspects of your natal chart. Mercury retrogrades 3 to 4 times every year up to 20 days. Sun Transits: Through The Houses: How long do they Last? Provide the origin, destination, and weight of your shipment to compare service details then sort your results by time or cost to find the most cost-effective shipping service. As a result of ambiguity, misreading can occur, and many assumptions may lead to false ideas. So, these transits favor some types of mental activity and worsen others. Natives of all signs shouldnt be swept off their feet until their teachings about ideals are becoming okay for them to not make commitments until the week after the transit. When you have natal Mercury conjunct Neptune, you can be influenced by the opinions and words of other people. Natives born during the Mercury conjunct Neptune aspect have an impressive perception and can transmit information in many ways because they have impressive psychic abilities. Self-acceptance is needed to manage this placement, and self-trust, compassion, healing, understanding, control, and love; give yourself the reassurance you need to build your self-esteem. Also be careful about the truthfulness of any communication you receive as others may be trying to deceive you. What you say often has a double meaning. Scandal in career is possible. At one extreme, this can incline you toward lying or embellishing facts enough that they favor the story you want to tell. But if you're striving to make it through one day at a time, then the humdrum of details and consistent drudgery will instead prompt you to seek deliverance to anywhere but where you are. A time of deep inner unhappiness read more Song for this transit But know your extra senses are your gifts to use and control, find the right people to share your gifts/ talents with. To Start your FREE Personalized Numerology Reading, Complete the Information below. CATA buses and facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. Naturally, this is a very bad time for any kinds of negotiations. The Neptune conjunct Mercury transit is the epitome of "absent-minded." Martin Luther 002, Stuart Wilde 004, Ian Holm 018, Yul Brynner 022, Jake Gyllenhaal 029, Julio Iglesias 030, Jewelle Gomez 032, Egon Schiele 032, Maria Shriver 034, Neil Armstrong 040, Meg Ryan 044, Phil Andros 044, Edwards I of England 0Robert Currey 048, Raymond Buckland 057, Amy Lee 106, Olivia Rodrigo 110, Mary I of England 114, RuPaul 119, Alyssa Milano 126, Arthur Dee 127, Jeff Buckley 129, Christian Doppler 129, Cynthia Stafford 132, Melville Davisson Post 133, Ray Bradbury 144, Louis-Ferdinand Cline 147, Ben Shapiro 159, Vladimir Putin 200. How long does the Moon transit the houses? You're perhaps inspired to capture its loveliness in art, photography, film, or some other form of creative expression. We accommodate everyone. You now learn the limits of the rational mind and can now easily cooperate with intuition. This super-creative transit will be your Cosmic BFF if you have an artist side bubbling below the surface. Misrepresentation of the value of property is more likely. Conversely, Neptune can overwhelm you with a dangerous sense of being somehow strange and a need to hide this from others. AstroMatrix Tarot combines a variety of different style tarot decks but still maintains classic tarot symbolism. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. Youre not very sure of what youre thinking, or you adopt ideas that you normally would consider impractical. How would this apply if the conjunction is making an opposition to natal Juno and Jupiter both in Virgo? You tend to show greater sensitivity in what you perceive as well as what you share. Youre able to communicate your visions more clearly so others understand. Clarity in conveying information may become important during this cycle, and understanding accurately what others say can avoid misunderstandings. For as long as Mercury is in conjunction with Neptune, people are always saying the right things all the time, others are just keeping people confused and questioning appearances. You can express yourself clearly and concisely. Neptune Conjunct Venus Transit - AstroTransits CLICKBANK is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. To Get Your Weekly Cosmic Update, EnterYour Details Below Each week, we'll send you your guide to the most remarkable and mystifying cosmic events of the week (& other goodies! Transiting Mercury conjunct Neptune can also impact your thinking and communications positively or negatively. But, this is a great day to engage in projects that involve creativity or imagination. More than this, they can have telepathic abilities and the power of clairvoyance, but should be careful with them because they may dominate any conversation. When transiting Neptune is in opposition to your natal Mercury, its very easy to misunderstand circumstances and be deceived. Keep reading for the natal meaning of this aspect or jump to the transit interpretation. For Entertainment purposes only. Jupiter Retrograde Transit and Natal : Embracing Change, Saturn retrograde Transit and Natal: Facing your karmatic Responsibilities, Pluto retrograde transit and natal : Transformnyour self destruction. Formal logic or rigid analysis likely is ineffective now and may have little appeal. Watch out for manipulating others and being a bit of a slippery character, dream bug but take time and practical actions to bring them into reality. Book a Reading. If this aspect in their birth chart is afflicted, they can become deceiving, tricky and even manipulative. New Moon February 20, 2023 New Beginnings, Volodymyr Zelenskyy Horoscope Warrior Leader. Contracts that you sign during this cycle should be examined closely since you may take on more than you anticipate. var d=new Date();var n=d.toLocaleDateString();var t=d.toLocaleTimeString();document.write(n + "
" + t); .path{fill:none;stroke:#333;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-width:1.5px;}, Copyright ANCIENTFUTUREVISION 2018-2023, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Mercury sextile Neptune natal gives acute senses, which makes you extremely sensitive to all vibrations.