Abought-by-the-blood, sanctified, sold-out, filled-with-the-Holy-Ghost, King-James-Bible-carrying Independent Baptist shuns the world. FundamentalTop500.com :: Fundamental Baptist, KJV Sites on the Internet Oh man, Im gonna teach this guy one thing or two. Jesus was murdered by you, every day. They make a mockery of God and His works, and make merchandise of His people. Bruce Mejia, the pastor of First Works Baptist Church in El Monte, CA (formerly called Faithful Word Baptist Church Los Angeles) delivers a 2019 sermon in which he declares that LGBTQthe acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioningshould stand for Let God Burn Them Quickly. (source: YouTube). Its curable. Eastover, NC 28312. God hates the IFB movement. I think the guy behind Jesus-is-savior.com also thinks Lutherans are watered down Catholics too. New IFB content continues to be uploaded daily and easily found on the platform. Perhaps the most well-known Independent Fundamentalist Baptists today are the Duggars, the quiverfull family made famous by the reality show 19 Kids and Counting. New IFB pastors take advantage of the modern age of technology, the Internet and social media to spread their message of hate beyond the walls of their churches. Grace Baptist Church Size: Small church 2672 W Edison Place Citrus Springs, FL. Why? New IFB churches promote themselves as independent, autonomous entities which do not belong to a broader structure. Thats the image of human sacrifice. "Preach The Word". The report indicates there are at least 6,000 independent fundamental Baptist churches in the US, according to one online directory. To preach His Word, make disciples, grow His kingdom, and worship Him. Shrugs and moves to the next post. Another girls parents stood in front of their Connecticut congregation to acknowledge their daughters sin after she was abused by her youth pastor, beginning at 16. Anderson laid out his multi-part strategy to evangelize the entire world in a series of 2017 blog posts, emphasizing the role of door-to-door soul-winning, missionaries, and mission trips, in addition to the Internet ministry of YouTube and other online platforms. And theyre out spending billions of dollars in research and testing. And so, we need to follow the teachings of the Bible and understand that Christianity is the true religion and that all of these other religions are false and they are demonic., Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist Church (Sacramento, CA), March 2019: The Synagogue of Satan, of course, thats a reference to the antichrist religion of Judaism and the Jews today. The tangled web of friends and fellow travelers is unnerving to me, for I have believed I was in good company with many of these people in the past. Im really not sure why you are turning away from God and his teachings it is quite sad , Im really not sure why you are turning away from God and his teachings.. And if they won't kill themselves, you know what? Independent Fundamentalist Baptists are a creepy, creepy bunch Virtually every fallen thought that comes into your head is another nail through Jesus! However, they dare not admit their disappointment, or theyll be censured, shunned,etc. All of them. 794 - searching for full time sr. pastor in halifax pa - 07/10/2021. What is Independent Baptist? - Way of Life Literature I was under the impression that these books were endorsed by the catholic powerbase to control those pesky heretics, and not created by god through some mysterious, inspired process..but of course I am no theologian, so maybe its to hard for me to understand? The photograph features Pastors (L-R) Manly Perry, Steven Anderson, David Berzins, Roger Jimenez, Donnie Romero and Joe Major. I recently read an article essentially asking this same question, What's Wrong With the Independent Fundamental Baptists? That star is the image of their false god. 1. Hear powerful preaching from mighty men of God in the past. And if they wont kill themselves, you know what? Thats what Jesus said. Afterward, Mejia and other New IFB pastors quickly blamed these so-called sodomite protesters for the bombing, however, law enforcement said there was no indication that the protesters were linked to the bombing. Quote - "Boasting is the voice of pride in the heart of the strong. We dont minister to them. Church Directory Sub-pages Share this: More Independent Fundamental Churches of America | American - Britannica The independent fundamentalist Baptist movement emerged sometime in the 1940s as an attempt to continue the legacy of the fundamentalist movement of the 1920s. Though 21 cases were made public for the first time through the recent Star-Telegram investigation, several influential independent fundamental Baptist church leaders have been accused of abusing young women in their flocks over the years. Since breaking from that movement, Anderson has criticized traditional IFB pastors and other Baptists who are, in his opinion, too scared of the reaction they might receive to preach the hard truths of the Bible. New IFB churches present themselves as autonomous entities and do not consider New IFB to be an official denomination or designation, but use the label to informally indicate their shared values and distinguish themselves from traditional old IFB churches. Please read the commenting rules before commenting. Judaism., Tommy McMurtry, Liberty Baptist Church (Rock Falls, IL), May 2020: The Jews have been doing this forever. Such beliefs remind me of that wonderful line in Auntie MameLife is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!, Back in my IFB preacher days, I would have quoted you I John 2:15-17. And then they take them, and they make them feel accepted into their lifestyle, and they brainwash that child into that lifestyle and into that and make them feel accepted, and they try to recruit those children. I am so sorry that you have divorced your FATHER for the commandments of men. Many IFB preachers even preach AGAINST having self-esteem. It was produced by conspiracy theorist Paul Wittenberger, a friend of the Andersons whose Framing the World Productions frequently promotes and collaborates with New IFB pastors. Theyre manipulating politics and finances and religions especially, and I believe theyre trying to unite all the other religions to come together to support a Zionistic Antichrist of sorts. Sermon Outlines - Preachers Corner He has encouraged other New IFB pastors to also utilize this strategy. My guess is that as smoking is now more generally associated with those at the less fortunate end of the social scale, which is where, presumably, most evangelicals and Baptists are (Im guessing) that many fundamentalists must have this conflict. Near the end of my fundamentalist days my pastor preached against Facebook. On IndependentBaptist.com, a site sharing articles from Jack Hyles as well as more contemporary leaders, various posts critique contemporary worship, defend the KJV-only approach, offer strategies for soulwinning, and explain why they dress up for church. And in fact, women in these positions of leadership and authority are actually a curse upon our nation and theyre a curse upon any nation., Steven Anderson, Faithful Word Baptist Church (Tempe, AZ), June 2015: Heres the thing about the Quran: its not a magnificent book at all. It is an independent, fundamental Baptist Church, self-governing and supported by the tithes and offerings of church members and friends. . All first-time comments are moderated. Conundrum solved. Their preaching, not their membership. Destructive Behaviors - Church Destroyers Part 2 (Lesson #28) 3 John 1:9-12 00:00 00:00 Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on March 21, 2018 ( Wednesday Evening ). If were gonna make America great again, I know where to start. If it happens, it must be dealt with scripturally and legally. Smith referenced abuse scandals among independent Baptists and others in an article earlier this year, urging leaders to immediately report allegations to authorities and remove the accused from positions of influence while cases undergo investigation. Free Baptist Sermons | More Free Online Sermons It isnt an issue for one group. Supposedly they all claim to know Jesus who, in John 14:6 tells them, He is the way, the truth ; then in John 8:32 He tells them, know the truth and the truth will make you free. Additionally, many independent Baptist fundamentalists practice second-degree separatism, distancing themselves not only from the world but also from fellow Christians who do not share their fundamentalist beliefs, noted Messiah College historian John Fea, who researched 20th-century Protestant fundamentalism in America. standing and preaching on God's Word, the KJV 1611 Bible, without compromise and apology. God, or John? The sponsorship programs and all other annual giving promotions are eliminated and we are solely funded by your help in purchasing materials through OUR BOOKSTORE & RESOURCES TAB. As an example most churches need Bibles to give away to new converts, graduates, Sunday school children, etc. Be a Godly Role Model! In their sermons, various New IFB pastors often openly state that they hate Judaism. Website. Burn those recordings, you fool! An extensive digital strategy allows New IFB pastors to reach millions of people online, despite attempts by tech companies to deplatform New IFB-affiliated channels for hate speech violations. A quarter-century has brought great changes to the preaching landscape, and today's list of contributing editors includes names that would have been unknown to most pastors 25 years ago: Rick Warren, Bryan Chapell, James MacDonald, Robert Smith, Dave Stone, James Emery White and Ed Young Jr. (though his pastor dad would have been a good candidate Hundreds Accuse Independent Baptist Pastors of Abuse - News & Reporting I heard a comment today I like . Theyre literally of Satan. The Apostle Paul taught me torun the race that is before me, and that is what I am doing. Latest Episodes - Preach the Bible: Classics Discussion in '2006 Archive' started by jch-singer, Jul 10, 2006. First of all, they reject the Lord Jesus Christ. Before YouTube eventually terminated it in 2020, Andersons primary sanderson1611 channel had accumulated over 120,000 subscribers and tens of millions of views. NT Sermon Outlines. or learn more about us. If one can use facts to finally disprove the Bible to the point that it loses its hold on you, at least the above pressures are removed. ). It means that the church is Baptist in doctrine and polity, fundamental in its stance on separation, and independent of denominational structures such as American Baptist or Southern Baptist. This Sermon is about What Makes a Godly Role Model. KJV Ministry Search Ministry began 2017 Website Created: March 22, 2021 Last Update: Feb 14, 2023 - 9:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time) To navigate this site: either scroll down or tap Navigation Box in the upper left corner) - New Postings, 48 hours from the last update Irvington Kentucky, Dry [] The Crowne Center at Pensacola Christian College in Pensacola, Florida, an Independent Baptist institution Independent Baptist churches (some also called Independent Fundamental Baptist or IFB) are Christian congregations, generally holding to conservative (primarily fundamentalist) Baptist beliefs. It mistakes love your neighbor as yourself for make your neighbor behave as your do, which is something else altogether. Well, theres one thing church members can take credit for.