Then they proceeded to try to conceive, but they learned Meredith had a hostile uterus, which made it unlikely she would conceive naturally. "Thanks again for doing this," Pete said, giving Addison a quick kiss on the cheek. ********** They started a serious relationship and often had sleepovers. Later, Mark told Meredith it was nice to talk her, since most of the time people he tried to talking to didn't seem to hear him. They later become so close, that Meredith gave Thatcher a piece of her liver because Lexie asked her to and she doesnt want her sister to feel the loss of her father, something of which she had experienced herself. She ran into Andrew, who had anticipated the request and had found her a cup. Meredith faintly told her daughter that that was nice of her. Thatcher apologizes to Lexie and Meredith. She could only tell him that Megan would be brought to Madigan Medical Center. She shared that Meredith hadn't been matched to Seattle Grace at first until Richard reached out to the NRMP to make a personal recommendation, which landed Meredith her spot. She was always there for her, and her Father left right after. It was the morning she was supposed to start working at . Meredith Grey/Alex Karev - Works | Archive of Our Own At first, Meredith was angry with Derek for not telling her, but she later admitted to still loving him and begged him to "pick me, choose me, love me." During Thursday's episode of the ABC medical drama, Meredith ( Ellen Pompeo) experienced her final moments on the beach with her late husband Derek Shepherd ( Patrick Dempsey) while the. However, their relationship soon faced its first obstacle when this episode revealed that Derek had been married to Addison the entire time. He was the warmth she never knew sh She was into neonatal and fetal. They rolled with it and assured Luis he could sleep in Gabby's room every night so they would not have to be separated again. Andrew's condition worsened in real life. With more patients surviving recently after having been on a vent, Richard agreed with her suggestion. Because Maggie had dated Andrew years ago, Meredith wanted to get her approval before starting to date Andrew. At the start of the pandemic, Amelia was on maternity leave with her son, Scout and she and Link cared for Meredith's kids while Meredith worked and continued when Meredith contracted COVID. Derek then continued to become really angry at Meredith, accusing her of not knowing the difference between right or wrong and saying it wasn't any way to raise a child. The two were lying in bed together the day before his death and Derek said that she was the one that saved him. When Nathan Riggs arrived at the hospital, it did not take long for Meredith to discover the reasons regarding his feud with Owen. Meredith stepped in and assured them nothing was certain yet. She replied he was a first, the first man she told "I love you" to after Derek. Meredithgrey Stories - Wattpad She asked Meredith to put together a team that reflected their world and take over all the classes and shape them to sandblast bias out of the curriculum for future surgeons. Because he had been so close to Ellis, he felt close to Meredith, and he was close to her as a child and she thought that he thought he was her father. As previously mentioned, Grey was forced to pull the plug on her husband after he had died from injuries sustained in a car accident. Meredith lied to him, saying she didn't return the feelings, out of consideration for Maggie. Maggie tried to talk to her about her healthcare directive but Meredith brushed it off so she could talk to her daughter. When surgeon Derek Shepherd finds his wife in bed with his bestfriend he takes his three year old daughter Josie and flees to Seattle in search of a fresh start. Paul Castello came in late and Meredith immediately recognized him as the doctor who had killed Derek, while he didn't seem to remember her at all. Eventually, the two did formally marry, as it would make it easier for them to legally adopt Zola, an African girl Derek got to know while treating her spina bifida. Ellis would rarely recognize Meredith but one day she woke up and was lucid, but it wouldn't last long, she found herself very disappointed in her daughter who was no longer driven, just "happy." After Meredith learned even Cristina had learned about the article, she promised Lisa she would make up the hours and begged her not to call the judge, after which she took off. He proposed drinks after work, but she had to assist Maggie in inserting a pacemaker for Cece's heart. Tom made Meredith wait in the waiting area so she made Taryn promise to text her updates. She questioned why Jo ever thought they would be good together and didn't try to hide her disdain from Link. When April first came to Seattle Grace, Meredith did not approve of her. While getting dressed, he said they should talk about their relationship soon and revealed he had lured diagnostician Lauren Riley from UCSF to the hospital using Meredith's name before rushing out. Noelle coded and went into DIC. She was cleared by Dr. Andrew Perkins only after she admitted her pregnancy and miscarriage. They were unable to save her. [91], She was rushed inside and a COVID test came back positive. She has a bachelor's in creative writing from USC with a minor in songwriting. This all resulted in a particularly bad day for Meredith, resulting in her snapping at everyone in the OR, including Nathan. . Meredith was shocked upon hearing this. When she received news they had found one, she went to tell Megan, accidentally interrupting Nathan's proposing to her. [31], As Jo found a loft for the two of them, Alex moved out of the house and sold it back to Meredith, who moved in with her kids and sisters. She ran into Tom, who asked her what she would do with Griffin's money. He had inhaled some smoke and needed oxygen therapy. She described herself as "dark and twisty" due to her negativity, in contrast to Derek's charismatic optimism. Since Meredith couldn't bring herself to say it, Lexie said the depth of grief came from the depth of love. At Jo and Alex's wedding, Andrew drunkenly kissed Meredith, and she rejected his advances, though she told him she was flattered. Will he be able to win her love or Max loved living in New York, she had everything she could ever want, having a best friend like Derek Shepherd, being able to call Addison Montgomery an honorary sister What if Meredith and Derek had met under different circumstances? She ultimately chose Derek and they reconciled. That promise soon came to use, as Nathan Riggs' arrival to the hospital caused Owen to become moody and isolated, prompting a worried Meredith to turn to his mother, who revealed her the truth behind Owen's mood. She spent weeks fighting to get back to normal but she now realized that normal entailed sexism, racism, inequality, and substandard care. Nathan found her sitting in a lounge and sat with her at her request as she decided to tell Bailey the truth. Meredith then accompanied Alex to the courthouse, where he was charged with felony assault in the second degree. Meredith said she'd think on it but advised him to also tell Bailey. When Alex later noticed the way Meredith looked at Nathan, he encouraged her to go after him, but soon changed his mind when he and Nathan disagreed over a case. Meredith replied it felt shallow to talk about that in the middle of a pandemic. After a small push from Izzie, George decided to tell Meredith how he felt. Most of Meredith's dates did not end well while, unbeknownst to her, Andrew realized his feelings for her. From the moment George O'Malley met Meredith, he fell in love with her. grey's anatomy fanfiction meredith and derek married before seattle He didn't mind as he liked the chase. While Meredith was willing to date Derek again once she learned the two were separated, she changed her mind after he revealed he was reconsidering ending his marriage in season 2, episode 4, "Deny, Deny, Deny". Meredith was the only person who knew about Cristina's pregnancy, and Cristina about Meredith's. He realized he had to go now. She wanted to return to the ER with Levi, who collapses. After avoiding each other, they attempted friendship, but on the night of the Seattle Grace prom, they had sex in an exam room despite the fact that Meredith was dating Finn Dandridge and Derek was married to Addison. Meredith decided to let Callie stay at their house, and she later told Arizona, who had no idea where Callie and Sofia were, that they were at her house. Meredith and Derek's long-running romance began in Grey's Anatomy' s first episode. After four days, Meredith found that the hospital was nearly at capacity for COVID patients so she requested to be allowed to go quarantine in a hotel as she felt fit enough. As he was yelling accusations, Meredith and other attendings formed a human circle around him, indicating he was the dangerous person rather than the aunt and convinced him to go to Bailey's office. [13], All the survivors of the plane crash filed a lawsuit against the plane company. They went for dinner overlooking the river, where they talked about Meredith's new project. He spent an entire day trying to come up with her but instead told her about how he fell for her the first time he saw her. Addison stayed at Seattle Grace and Meredith was left alone and when news of the scandal leaked out, she became much of the hospital's talking points and gossip. They performed a tense surgery until Meredith was informed by Richard that her house had been struck by lightning, causing a fire. Meredith later visited him in his house upon finding out he had less than a few days to live, and they talked until he passed away. She happily agreed to a date at a place by the lake. Everyone then had to clear the room. Born Throughout the set-up, she pointed out that there's no cap on happiness and that love doesn't just come walking through the door. Jackson moved to Seattle Grace through the merger with Mercy West. Longtime Grey's fans will remember that Addison was previously married to Derek Shepherd ( Patrick Dempsey ), and her cheating on him led to him moving to Seattle, where he of course met. His wife Susan persisted in trying to get them to bond and they began to but when Susan died in surgery, Thatcher blamed Meredith, even going so far as to slap her across the face and asked her not to attend the funeral. It was revealed that she spent time in the city, had a brief fling with a doctor and sought . Meredith's mother, Ellis Grey (Kate Burton), worked at Seattle Grace when Meredith was a child. Even though they were, at first, hesitant to perform surgery in the dark, they realized there were no other options. Meredith originally thought he was avoiding her because of a conversation they had about babies, but he insisted that he wanted to have all her babies. At the end of Meredith's residency, Lexie died after the plane crash because she was stuck under the debris. However, she came to Seattle Grace with the hiccups and she died during a relatively easy procedure, due to complications. . That night, Derek proposed to Meredith in the elevator, which was decorated with surgical scans from their past cases. At the end of the day, Meredith concluded her research had to be about non-invasive diagnostic tools. She apologized for what she had said about their relationship. On the day of her hearing, Meredith drove to the hotel with her sisters, Alex, and Andrew. The next week, Meredith started to be come more active. While at April and Matthew's wedding, Derek received a call from the president himself and ended up accepting the offer to put his name on their federal research initiative. When Derek was setting up the Alzheimer's trial, Meredith was there to assist him. Lexie died due to a part of the plane crushing her, and Meredith was horrified and mourned. [17] They brought the survivors together for a secret meeting and discussed purchasing the hospital so they could maintain the hospital in which all the doctors had been trained and which they still loved. Meredith then told a story of Bailey made everyone laugh by faceplanting into his birthday cake. When Richard disappeared from his room, she found him hallucinating in an OR, about to slice open his abdomen. Andrew tried to convince her to go to court while he'd look out for Zola but Meredith made it clear there was no way she would leave her daughter. But will it? She went home and greeted her kids. [81], On her day off, she received a letter from Alex. She was married to Derek Shepherd until his death; they have two daughters, Zola and Ellis, and a son, Bailey. They staged an intervention with Carina, Richard, and his psychiatrist. He was aware and worked fast to beat the tide. Meredith found the obligatory distance between her and Derek to be torture, which he pointed out was her own doing. It wasn't the easiest of transitions as the couple struggled to live under the same roof as Meredith's roommates. As time went on, he witnessed her convincing her patient's husband not to give up, he wondered how she could tell the man that if she herself kept running away from love. This is a fanfic about Meredith Grey's childhood was even worse. She received a text from Cormac inviting her for a whiskey in his office, but didn't see the text because she had fallen asleep. Thatcher went into a program and he started making amends. On Christmas Eve, Jo and Alex invited Meredith for their classy NYE party. However, while traveling in Europe, she received a call and was told that her mother had Alzheimer's. [24], Despite his promise to Meredith to take care of the kids so that she could have a year to focus on her work, Derek started to consult on a time-consuming brain mapping project for the White House. He explained he offered to help out because she seemed stressed. She snores loudly, a trait which she inherited from her father, Thatcher. They had a big fight in Amsterdam, and though they made up and stayed friends, their friendship never truly recovered and they were never as close again. It was later revealed that she moved to San Diego for one year. She later went to Alex and explained that her house didn't feel like her home without Derek, so she asked if she and the kids could stay with him and Jo for a while. When Izzie was revealed to be quite sick, Meredith offered her wedding to Izzie and Alex and Alex made her his best man for the wedding. grey's anatomy fanfiction meredith and derek married before seattle Since she was given little to no medical care, Luis had no clue what was going on with her. "Something About What Happens When We Talk", "Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey", 1. Enjoy! At the hospital, after Jo confirmed that Bailey was furious at her, Meredith went to see her and told her that she had nothing to do with the article as all the things she had written herself were not directed at the hospital. However, after an argument with Derek, Meredith ended up cheating on Finn with Derek. It turned out Meredith had been right with her guess. Their relationship has been rocky since Derek's death. Meredith is one of the "Seattle Grace Five". They started arguing and ended up having sex in her car. . Meredith remained on the fence about the consequences of a possible failure. At the end of the day, Meredith found Nick waiting for her in the lobby in casual clothes while she had dressed herself up. She asked him to stop looking at her the way he did. Meredith felt guilty about forgetting that Amelia was also supposed to be her sister, and gave her her old phone with Derek's last voice mail message. Still wanting to pursue her, Will came to the hospital and asked Meredith on a date in person. Meredith was kept in the OR until she was stable and later moved to a room in the maternity ward, where Derek and Zola visited her and their new family member. People go through life ignoring atrocities all the time but it makes sense to stand up and fight for people, like Meredith had shown him with Gabby. Later, she explained to Zola that Uncle Alex had left. During her birth, Meredith was bleeding heavily. Tv, meredith delivers a lot of the story you had another new. Almost 18 years . After consulting with other department heads, Meredith stood up for herself and asked for the salary she deemed fit. Jo then had Bailey agree to have Meredith supervise the procedure remotely through video chat, which convinced Shirley to consent. He told her he would do it again in a heartbeat. Grey's Anatomy - Meredith&Mark or Mereredith&Derek already know each other Follow . Meredith suggested they take a walk to watch the sunset, but he wanted to hold on to the feeling for a little while longer. Alex also spilled to Cristina that she and Meredith were all he had and that they were his family, and that realization made him help Meredith and attempt to get Social Services to let Meredith keep Zola. She returned later on after Meredith called her and told her Alex might be moving on, the same night that Alex slept with Lexie. [127], When Thanksgiving rolled around, Meredith was stuck in a hotel due to a snow storm. Nathan had doubts about Meredith working on the case given their history, but Meredith assured him she could do it. Search Works. Flashbacks show Meredith walking around the hospital with an Anatomy Jane doll (a toy with detachable organs) that she used to play with. While in there, Andrew confided in her about how his famous surgeon father killed four people while he operated in a manic episode but he got away with it because of his connections. While Meredith and Derek have an epic romance on Grey's Anatomy, his ex-wife Addison was a big part of the show. Amelia said revolutionizing medicine would be a great example. At first, Meredith did not like Jackson very much. He shared he does not believe in letting stress ruin your life after half of his hospital friends died from a cancer he survived and because his parents split up over it. He broke down and ran out after his testimony. They ordered room service and spent the night before heading to his cabin the next day. She was among the doctors who rushed to his aid. Jackson said that name was ruined now but Meredith was confident he could make it his own and re-invent it. She showed her profound gratitude as Link came rushing in to warn everyone about Meredith's arrival. Gabby and her mother had been detained at the Mexican border. Later that night in the parking lot, Nathan brought up her behavior and that he understood the way she felt about living a life without Derek, comparing it to Megan's disappearance. On her date, Meredith rambled on about how it shouldn't be children's job to forgive their parents just because they are their parents. She sat down to text Alex, who started typing up a reply but stopped, which worried her.[80]. Meredith concluded it would be better if you believed you can have more than one. Zola called an ambulance, saving her. Paula then learned she was a doctor and wondered what she did to end up in jail. As they got started, Meredith said it had helped for her to have a village of people pulling for her with every complication. The next morning, Meredith found herself dreaming about Andrew and was reminded of her thoughts when he apologized at the hospital for kissing her. Cormac came into the lounge to get coffee and after he was gone, Amelia commented on his being hot.