1995, 20.707; Ord. No. of 2-22-2005)Sec. ARTICLE VII. Queensland is not 100% "Yeah perfectly legal dude". It shall be the responsibility of every parent, guardian or other person having the physical custody or charge of any minor under the age of eighteen (18) years to control the minor and prevent him or her from violating or attempting to violate any provisions of this division. ), and does not mean a slingshot. No. Each and every violation of this Ordinance shall be considered as a distinct and separate offense. Carrying a dangerous weapon with unlawful intent.No person shall, with intent to use the same unlawfully against the person of another, go armed with a pistol or other firearm or dagger, dirk, razor, stiletto, or knife having a blade over three inches in length, or any other dangerous or deadly weapon or instrument.(Ord. 765, 1, 2, 9-23-85; Ord. 9.109. (e) Civil liability of parents. (4) To indoor enclosed firearm ranges so constructed as to prevent damage to property or injury or death to any person where such firearm ranges are otherwise lawful; provided, however, that the discharge of a bow and arrow is permitted upon unenclosed ranges where such ranges are constructed so as to prevent damage to property or injury or death to any person.(Ord. (e) A person shall not draw, exhibit or brandish a replica or facsimile firearm in the presence of a police officer, firefighter, emergency medical technician or paramedic if the person knows or has reason to know that such police officer, firefighter, emergency medical technician or paramedic is engaged in the performance of his/her duties. (b) No person shall have in his possession or control any glass bottle or container in or on any pool area, beach area or baseball diamond in any community park or in any locality in the parks where possession of glass bottles and containers is prohibited by posted notices. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY Clare, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. Reckless, careless and negligent use of firearms.Any person who, because of carelessness, recklessness or negligence, but not willfully or wantonly, shall cause or allow any firearm under his immediate control to be discharged so as to kill or injure another person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 280, eff. 20-334. (Code 1958, 8-105, 8-111; Ord. 38-16-4. Any person who shall maim or injure any other person by the discharge of any firearm pointed or aimed intentionally, without malice, at any such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Code 1983, 9.224)Sec. 18-312. DIVISION 1. their are/needs to be laws for a slingshot? OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY Cadillac, Michigan Code of Ordinances, Sec. 62-283. 17-115. No. (b) Definitions. No. (4) A person who possesses a firearm in a school for purposes of providing or receiving instruction in firearms safety. Commercial recreation (outdoor).Outdoor commercial recreation uses shall include, but need not be limited to, the following: miniature golf; animal racing, go-cart, automobile or motorcycle tracks; amphitheaters; amusement parks; drive-in theaters; air gun or survival games; campgrounds (including youth camps, religious retreats and hunting camps), recreational vehicle parks or travel trailer parks; resorts; fairgrounds; batting cages; ski slopes; skate board parks; flea markets; uses similar to the above uses; and, uses accessory to the above uses, such as refreshment stands, retail shops selling items related to the above uses, maintenance buildings, offices for management functions, spectator seating and service areas, including locker rooms and rest rooms. 109-J-3, 9, 1-4-10), ARTICLE IV. No person shall sell a firearm to any person under 18 years of age.(Comp. No. 418, 1(9.174), 9-1-92), Sec. Possession of knives, etc., by minors.It shall be unlawful for any minor under 18 years of age to have in his possession or control, except within his own domicile, or carry or use in any manner any knife with a blade in excess of three inches, dagger, dirk, razor, stiletto or any other sharp-edged or pointed instrument or weapon used for inflicting injury upon another; provided, however, that such person shall not be in violation of this section if his possession of such knife with a blade in excess of three inches, dagger, dirk, razor, stiletto or any other sharp-edged or pointed instrument is necessary for his employment, trade or occupation; if he is engaged in or is proceeding to or returning from a place of hunting, trapping or fishing and, whenever required, is also carrying a currently valid license issued to him by the state department of conservation; if such person is a duly enrolled member of the Boy Scouts of America or a similar organization or society and such possession is necessary to participate in the activities of such organization or society; or if the knife with a blade in excess of three inches, dagger, dirk, razor, stiletto or any other sharp-edged pointed instrument is required under circumstances that tend to establish that its possession is for a lawful purpose. WEAPONS GENERALLY Ecorse, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. (Code 1985, 16-113), Sec. The prohibition in subsection (a)(1) of this section shall not apply to activities conducted at shooting galleries and ranges, or archery ranges, provided that such facilities are licensed and in compliance with all provisions of applicable state laws and this Code. Firearms, etc.Unless that person is authorized to engage in an animal control activity authorized under section 22-9 of the Ordinance Code of the City of Holland, no person shall carry in any public park any gun, BB gun, air rifle, rifle, shotgun, revolver, pistol or other firearm of any kind or description or any device which is capable of throwing or discharging an object with sufficient force to injure or kill humans or animals. (4) Inaccessible from the interior of the vehicle. 1994, 20.5907), Sec. Are Tactical Slingshots Even Legal? - U.S. LawShield No. No. 2010-1, 8-2-2010). Tom Lounsbury: Don't overlook slingshots for hunting - Huron Daily Tribune Possession or control of firearm while intoxicated.It shall be unlawful for any person within the city, while under the influence of an alcoholic liquor or any exhilarating or stupefying drug, to carry, have in possession or control, or use in any manner, or discharge any firearm.Sec. Polaris Tries to Make Slingshot Legal in All States - Autoevolution 78-23.02, 5.01(B)(5), 6-5-78; Ord. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. WEAPONS AND EXPLOSIVES Dexter, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. (Code 1981, 22-98)Sec. (Code 1993, 9-274), Sec. (Code 1964, 66-1-7)Sec. (a) Definitions. (a) Hunting is hereby allowed within the City limits during the regular hunting season established by, and in compliance with, all rules and regulations established by the State of Michigan, and is not done within 500 feet of any building, structure or roadway. Eff. Sales to minors. (7) A hospital. No. No. Replica or imitation firearms. No firing shall be done except at targets placed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the city. (1) It shall be unlawful for any dealer to sell, lend, rent, give or otherwise transfer an air gun to any person under the age of eighteen (18) years where the dealer knows or has reasonable cause to believe the person to be under eighteen (18) years of age or where such dealer has failed to make reasonable inquiry relative to the age of such person and such person is under eighteen (18) years of age. "You can go in the store and buy a crossbow or a bow-and-arrow. (Code 1958, 8-105; Ord. OFFENSES INVOLVING UNDERAGE PERSONS Gladstone, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. 14-278. Massachusetts. Exceptions.Excepted from the applicability of this division shall be as follows:(1) Any member of a law enforcement agency of the federal or state government and any subdivision thereof, while under the authority of such government or its subdivision;(2) Any member of the armed forces of the United States under authority of federal law while under such authority and not on a leave or furloughed status;(3) Any member of the National Guard or other duly authorized military organization when on duty or drill, or while going to or returning from the customary places of assembly or practices;(4) Any member of a color guard, honor guard, memorial guard or funeral service guard while therein engaged, or while going to or returning from such assembly or service;(5) Any person licensed by this state or any other state to carry a firearm concealed upon his person;(6) Any person in the regular and ordinary repair or transportation of weapons as merchandise;(7) Any person carrying an unstrung bow, slingshot, or firearm, BB gun or pellet pistol unloaded in a wrapper or package from the place of purchase to his home or place of business, or to a place of repair or back to his home or place of business, or in moving goods from one place of abode or business to another;(8) Any person having a valid hunting license while in the exercise of the authority permitted or prescribed by state hunting laws; and(9) Any person acting under authority of state law. Are you sure that they are outlawing "slingshots" and not "slungshots"? ), and does not mean a slingshot. Dangerous or obnoxious materials or equipment. Sec. Sale of BB guns, ammunition to minor.It shall be unlawful for any person to sell to a minor any gun designed and manufactured for propelling BBs not exceeding .177 caliber by means of gas, air or spring, or to sell to a minor BBs designed to be used by such BB guns. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to transport or have in his possession, in or upon any vehicle, a firearm, unless the firearm shall be unloaded in both barrel and magazine and carried in the luggage compartment of the vehicle. No. (b) No parent or guardian of any minor in his charge or custody shall knowingly permit such minor to use or have in his possession any air gun, air pistol, bow and arrow or slingshot. Ords. 393 6 (part), 1966). Purchase or possession by minors, sale to minors.No person under 18 years of age shall purchase, carry or transport a firearm on any public street or in any public place unless permitted by state law. 131.000 LAKE ERIE METROPARK Brownstown Charter Township (Wayne Co.), Michigan Compilation-General Ordinances. 20-330. Sec. 22-160. 12.5-5. (f) Police officers, peace officers and persons in the military service, in pursuit of official duty, and persons duly authorized by federal or state law to carry firearms, are exempt from the provisions of this section.(Ord. Polaris Slingshot Now Legal in Texas By Dennis Chung May 26, 2015 0 Residents of the Lone Star State can finally purchase the Polaris Slingshot after Texas passed a new law allowing three-wheeled "autocycles" to be registered in the state. The prohibition in subsection (a)(6) of this section shall not apply to the discharge of a firearm consisting solely of a blank charge without projectile, when the discharge is made as part of an historical reenactment, memorial service or similar ceremony, provided such discharge is obtained in advance from the chief of police or his designee, who shall review such request and determine whether the proposed discharge is safe with regard to time, location as compared to adjacent or nearby uses, duration, and proposed precautions against injury. Stun guns can easily be purchased on Amazon without any background checks or training, and according to Criminal Defense Lawyer, Stun guns and other electronic self-defense weapons are legal in. (4) The proprietor of a place of business, or his duly authorized agent, may have a weapon in his possession in such place of business for purposes of protecting such place of business. ), DIVISION 1. Feb. 5, 2012)12.11.00 ORCHARD LAKE NATURE SANCTUARY CITY OF ORCHARD LAKE VILLAGE COUNTY OF OAKLAND, STATE OF MICHIGAN ord. Shooting ranges. Am. 74-126. 18-316. Activities by persons in parksPermitted and prohibited. (3) No person shall discharge any firearm within a safety zone without the written permission of the owner or occupant of such safety zone. 1021, 4-20-2010)Sec. Upon receipt of such report, the city clerk shall place the matter upon the agenda of the council for action. 50-343. (c) No person shall carry or have on or about his person at any place other than the residence or fixed place of business of such person a firearm unless the firearm is unloaded and encased. 1987, 20.215), ARTICLE VI. City parks regulations.The following actions in a park shall be deemed violations of this article:(a) No person shall possess nor use any bows, cross bows, bb guns, pellet guns, air rifles, paintball guns, airsoft guns or slingshots. No. When criteria must be met for ownership, those are also listed. ;-- 1019, 1, 5-28-02), Sec. (a) Firearms shall include all rifles, shotguns, pistols and other devices for the firing of any type of projectiles by means of explosive powder and shall also include air rifles, B-B guns, bows and other devices for firing of any type of projectile by means of springs, air power or other means. (a) Prohibited; exception. The Polaris Slingshot becomes a Autocycle. Firearms, bows, shot guns, air guns, pellet guns and slingshots. Possession, pointing or discharge generally. Basically, anything with more than 2 wheels. Hunting within village.It shall be a violation for any person to hunt wild game within the village or in any manner carry any gun, weapon, or firearm within the village for the purpose of hunting any wild game or fowl at any time.(Ord. WEAPONS Kingsford, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. (2) Air gun, pellet gun, spring gun, slingshot, crossbow, bow and arrow, or similar device intended to eject a projectile other than a firearm. A slungshot is weight attached to a cord used to knock someone out. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY Cass City, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. 739, 12-22-86). (2) For a second violation, the individual is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $500.00. 118. (8) The provisions of this section do not apply to:a. No. 20-403. (2) The individual has an alcohol content of 0.08 or more grams per 100 milliliters of blood, per 210 liters of breath, or per 67 milliliters of urine. Definitions. Is owning a slingshot legal in Hawaii? : r/slingshots - Reddit Sale or furnishing of dangerous weapons to minors and intoxicated persons.No person shall knowingly sell, offer for sale, loan or furnish any rifle, firearm or other dangerous or deadly weapon to:(1) Any minor under the age of 18 years;(2) Any person under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, narcotic drug, stimulant or depressant;(3) Any person in a condition of agitation and excitability; or(4) Any person the seller, lender or donor has reasonable cause to believe is not of sound mind. Any person who shall intentionally, without malice, point or aim any firearm at or toward any other person, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. ARTICLE VI. gun or air gun in the direction of another person, any real or personal property, domestic animal or pet. 22-256. A person shall not engage in target shooting except upon designated shooting ranges. The retention, disposition and forfeiture of confiscated weapons by the police department shall be in compliance with MCL 750.239a.(Ord. 15-9. (e) No person shall use or possess any gun designed and manufactured exclusively for propelling BBs not exceeding .177 caliber by means of spring, gas or air, outside the curtilage of his domicile, except for transporting in an unloaded, encased condition.(Ord. 17-120. Airgun Hunting Laws 91.004 Dangerous or obnoxious materials or equipment.Section 4.3 No person shall have in his or her possession or control any slingshot, pellet gun, air rifle, fireworks, explosives or other dangerous weapon or material within the boundaries of a neighborhood park. 10-19-2000), Sec. (8) An establishment licensed under the Michigan liquor control act, Act No. 62-281. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY Roosevelt Park, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. If the chief of police or his designate shall determine that a license is being sought for such sale of dangerous or offensive weapons, such as stars or nunchaku, he shall so certify upon the application requesting that the application for a business license be denied.(Ord. No person shall draw, exhibit or brandish a replica or facsimile of a firearm in the presence of a police officer, firefighter, medical emergency technician or paramedic is engaged in the performance of his duties and the person committing such brandishing knows or has reason to know that such police officer, firefighter, medical emergency technician or paramedic is engaged in the performance of his duties. DIVISION 3. (Code 1977, 9.74), DIVISION 2. No. Someone is trying to tell me that | Legal Advice Carrying or concealing of any such replica or facsimile firearm under or near the drivers seat, glove box or dashboard shall be a prima facie rebuttable inference of such intent, unless the person is authorized by the laws of this state or federal law to carry or possess a firearm in an area of a motor vehicle accessible to the occupants of the vehicle. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell a firearm to any person under 18 years of age.(Ord. The city shall post and maintain signs at all public entrances to the public buildings owned and/or controlled by the city which are identified in section (d)(1) notifying the public that possession or concealment of weapons in those public places is prohibited. 58-291. 111, 3.3, 6-14-1966)ARTICLE IV. It shall be unlawful for any person to brandish, aim, point or exhibit to any other person a replica or facsimile of a firearm in such a manner as to frighten, threaten, harass, panic or annoy any other person. 54-164. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. (c) No person shall have in his possession or control any rifle, shotgun, pistol or other firearm, slingshot, bow, arrow, crossbow, pellet gun, air rifle, noxious gas ejecting devices, fireworks, explosive or other dangerous devices or materials within the boundaries of the Metropark; provided, that a law enforcement officer duly appointed by the United States, the state or by a political subdivision thereof may otherwise lawfully possess and carry a firearm. 4-14-84), Sec. SameTo possess unless accompanied by person over 18 years of age.It shall be unlawful for any person under 18 years of age to use or possess any pistol, or to use and possess any handgun designed and manufactured exclusively for propelling BBs, not exceeding .177 caliber by means of spring, gas, or air, outside the curtilage of his domicile unless he is accompanied by a person over 18 years of age.(Ord. OFFENSES INVOLVING UNDERAGED PERSONS Milford, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. It shall be unlawful for any person, except a public safety officer in the discharge of his duty, to discharge any firearm, air rifle, bow and arrow, slingshot, or other dangerous weapon within the city without first obtaining a special permit from the public safety director. WEAPONS Royal Oak Charter Township, (Oakland Co.), Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. 22-132. Restrictions on possession of firearms. Possession by minors.Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of this Code, it shall be lawful for any person under eighteen (18) years of age to have in his possession any of the articles defined in section 9.221 if such article is:(1) Kept within his domicile;(2) Used by the person under eighteen (18) years of age and he is a duly enrolled member of any club, team or society organized for educational purposes and maintaining as part of its facilities, or has written permission to use an indoor or outdoor rifle range, to possess, load and fire at such rifle range under the supervision, guidance and instruction of a responsible adult;(3) Used in or on any private grounds or residence under circumstances when such an article designated in section 9.221 can be fired, discharged or operated in such a manner as not to endanger persons or property and also in such manner as to prevent the projectile from traversing any grounds or space outside the limits of such grounds or residence. Zoobows and Slingshots are also not permitted. Ords. 672, 6-4-1985; Ord. No. 328 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1931 (MCL 750.1 et seq., MSA 28.191 et seq. Discharge of firearms, air guns, pellet guns, bows and arrows.It shall be unlawful for any person within the city to discharge any firearm, air rifle, air pistol, pellet gun, or bow and arrow in the city, except when lawfully acting in the defense of person or property or the enforcement of law or at a duly established range, the operation of which has been approved by the city council. 20-233. I, 5.01(B)(2d. (b) The provisions of this division shall not apply to a person or the agent of that person engaged in the extermination of animal pests on the property of that person provided a permit has first been obtained from the chief of police or a person under his command. Roller skating shall be confined to those areas specifically designated for such pastime.(Ord. 20-402. 28-432. (Code 1973, 9.101; Code 1989, 664.03(b)(21); Ord. (4) Knowingly engage in or advertise any business which offers as its principal activity the providing of nude models for artists or photographers. California laws? | The Slingshot Forums Discharge of firearms.It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge a firearm within the boundaries of the township except as specifically permitted in this article.(Ord. 9.136. It shall be unlawful to carry a firearm on any public street or in any public place unless it is unloaded and in a case. 1019, 1, 5-28-02; Ord. 14-284. of 2-22-2005), Sec. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell a firearm to any person under eighteen (18) years of age. Reckless use.It shall be unlawful for any person to recklessly or heedlessly or willfully or wantonly use, carry, handle or discharge any firearm without due caution and circumspection for the rights, safety or property of others. (b) The words replica or facsimile firearms as used in this article mean any devices or objects made of plastic, wood, metal, or any other material which are replicas, facsimiles, or toy versions of, or are otherwise recognizable as: a pistol, revolver, shotgun, sawed-off shotgun, rifle, machine gun, rocket launcher, starter pistol, air gun, inoperative firearm, or other firearm. The 2021 Polaris Slingshot SL is the scrappy middleweight of the brand's latest lineup of low-riding autocycles. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. (c) Except as otherwise permitted by law, a person shall not transport or possess in or upon a motor vehicle or any self-propelled vehicle designed for land travel a firearm, other than a pistol, unless the firearm is unloaded and is one or more of the following:(1) Taken down. Discharging firearms, air guns, fireworks, etc.It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any firearm, air gun, fireworks, BB gun, or any toy projecting lead or missiles, except in a regularly established shooting gallery or range, providing that this section shall not be construed to prohibit any officer of the law from discharging a firearm in the performance of his duty; or to apply to any citizen when lawfully defending person or property. (d) No minor shall carry or have on or about his person, or transport or have in possession in or upon any vehicle in and upon any street, alley or other public places in the city a firearm. Any replica or facsimile firearm used in a manner as to frighten, threaten, harass, panic or annoy any other person, shall be seized and forfeited to the governmental entity enforcing this chapter. Transporting or possessing firearm in or upon motor vehicle or self-propelled vehicle designed for land travel; conditions.Except as otherwise permitted by law, a person shall not transport or possess in or upon a motor vehicle or any self-propelled vehicle designed for land travel a firearm, other than a pistol, unless the firearm is unloaded and is one or more of the following:(1) Taken down. Confiscation of firearms.All weapons, guns, pistols, firearms, knives, dirks, razors, stilettos, or any other sharp-edged or pointed instruments, or weapons carried, possessed or used contrary to this division are hereby declared forfeited to the city. Firearms and dangerous instruments. (b) No person shall intentionally and without malice point or aim any firearm at or toward any other person. Any police officer shall have authority to confiscate any firearm, air gun and spring-loaded gun, and bow and arrows being used by any person anywhere within the limits of the village, except on an approved target range as provided in subsection (c) of this section. No. OFFENSES INVOLVING PUBLIC SAFETY Bath Charter Township, (Clinton Co.), Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person, with knowledge that a law enforcement officer, firefighter, emergency medical technician, paramedic or medical first responder is engaged in the performance of the law enforcement officers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, paramedics or medical first responders duties to draw, exhibit, brandish or display any replica or facsimile firearm in the law enforcement officers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, paramedics or medical first responders presence. (Code 1955, 5-2.4; Ord. Below are the laws and ordinances for local jurisdictions within the state of Michigan concerning airguns, BB guns, pellet guns and airsoft guns: ARTICLE IV. No person in any park shall:(5) Firearms. (Code 1981, 80.265; Ord. ARTICLE III. (Code 1982, 9.131)Sec. WEAPONS Escanaba, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. (Code 1983, 9.227), DIVISION 2. Reckless use of firearms.It shall be unlawful for any person to recklessly, heedlessly, willfully or wantonly use, carry, handle or discharge any firearm without due caution and circumspection for the rights, safety or property of others.Sec. Discharge of weapons.No person shall discharge any weapon within the city, except in connection with a regularly scheduled educational, recreational or training program under adequate supervision, including therein instruction in the use of weapons, a police department range, in connection with the performance of lawful duties of law enforcement or in connection with the protection of persons or property as provided by state law. (Code 1993, 9-270)Sec. (f) Exceptions. Definitions.The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:Firearm means any weapon from which a dangerous projectile may be propelled by using explosives, gas or air as a means of propulsion. (2) An individual who is licensed to carry a concealed firearm in the State of Michigan and who is employed or contracted by an entity described under subsection (a) to provide security services and is required by his or her employer or the terms of a contract to carry a concealed firearm on the premises of the employing or contracting entity. (a) No person shall deposit or abandon in or on any lands or water areas within the boundaries of any park or playground any garbage, sewage, bottles, cans, refuse, trash, waste or other obnoxious materials except in receptacles provided for such purposes. It shall be unlawful to carry a firearm on any public street or in any public place unless it is unloaded and in a case. This subsection is not applicable to: (1) a person who is authorized by the laws of this state to carry or possess a firearm in an area of a motor vehicle accessible to the occupants of the vehicle or (2) the transport of replica or facsimile firearms by a person, or his/her duly authorized agent, who is engaged in the lawful manufacture, distribution, or sale of replica or facsimile firearms. Discharge of air rifles. Definitions.The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:Firearm means any weapon or device from which is propelled any missile, projectile bullet, shot, pellet or other mass by means of explosives, compressed air or gas or by any means of springs, levers or other mechanical devices.(Comp.